L003. Golf Lag Drill to Crush Irons
If you’re looking for a golf lag drill to crush irons…
You’ve found the right video!
In this video, you’ll discover why lag’s a great example of physics at work…
Building and releasing energy at optimal points for maximum results.
This lag drill allows you to take advantage of a scientific “trick” to boost your club head speed…
It’s called the stretch shortening cycle.
Never heard of that before?
Don’t worry, I’ll explain it in very simple terms in this video…
And then show you how to use it to hit shots like never before.
Watch this video now to build maximum lag, increase your distance, and go flag hunting!
L002. How to Stop Casting and Start Getting Lag
In this video, “How to Stop Casting and Start Getting Lag”…
I’ll address a major problem all amateur golfers struggle with at one point or another…
It’s one of the most frustrating things in golf…
Burning up your club head speed and causing terrible inconsistency.
I’m sure you’ve heard the typical instruction to just “hold your lag” later into the swing…
But if it were that simple, you wouldn’t be doing it anymore, right??!!
Well, in this video you’re going to find out the 2 things I see in every student that casts…
And then get step-by-step drills for fixing them.
Watch this video now to stop casting and start getting lag today!