What if there was a way to watch this Golf Tip for Distance video and you could gain the knowledge to help potentially hit the ball 50 plus yards further?
Great News!
That’s the case here with this video…
I know for a fact, a lot of people are making a particular mistake that is costing them some serious yardage…
The “Shoulder Turn” is one of the main components of the up swing and down swing…
It helps direct the flow of the mass motion/golf club relationship…
By getting the shoulders turned, we set ourselves up for maximum potential within our swing…
In this video you will see how crucial the shoulder turn is as we collect data, over swings with bad shoulder turns vs. swings with good shoulder turns…
See the gains and losses as we examine the data for what a shoulder turn can do, to your stroke…
Watch this video now to make sure you aren’t costing yourself massive yards…