How would you like to have more clubhead speed? We all would, wouldn’t we?
In this video I go over two key feelings that will increase your turn, improve the momentum of your body in the downswing, and increase swing speed!
Lets get started!
What's Covered: Two key feelings to increase your hip and shoulder turn in the backswing.
Golf Pros Featured:
Instructors Featured: Clay Ballard
Video Duration: 2:49
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Video Transcription:
Hi, welcome back guys, hope you’re having a great day. I’ve got an easy video for you today.
You know, most of my videos are pretty technical, they get a little scientific in there, and they’re very detailed.
This one is a quick easy feel video, it’s not going to be very technical, but we’re going to give you two easy feels to make a bigger turn when you’re back.
So whenever we’re taking the backswing, if we’re not getting our full power turn, if we’re not get at least that 90° shoulder turn, what’s happening is we’re picking the club up with the arms right away, and my body isn’t loading first.
I want to get my body to turn back first, and I want to feel like my club is kind of trailing behind. My club is lagging behind my body on the backswing, then I’m going to start the downswing and that’s when my club is really going to start to release.
So that said, here’s the two feels I want you to have. Number one, if we have my shirt buttons, the buttons on your shirt, imagine you’re wearing a button up shirt. At address, those shirt buttons are going to be pointing roughly toward my ball.
Now as I go to the top, what I want to do is I want to turn those shirt buttons away until they’re at least 90° away from my target.
So I want to feel like I’m really turning back away from the target, and if I do really well with this, I’m going to feel like my shirt buttons are pointing even past 90°.
So if I’m going this direction from the camera, and I’m going to hit it this way, I’m going to feel like my shirt buttons turn all the way past the camera to really get loaded up.
My hips are going to need to turn a little bit to do this, but I’m really loading up into my right side as I’m going back.
The second thing we can work on, is the back of our shirt. So if you imagine the center of the back of your neck, or kind of between your shoulder blades, I’m going to get that to load up, so that’d be the exact opposite of my shirt buttons.
I’m going to turn that back until it’s all the way past my target. So if I’m going toward the camera, I want to get the center of my back pointing actually to the right of the camera if I can.
In reality that’s not going to happen, I’m not going to be able to turn that much, but that’s the feeling I want to have.
As I’m loading back, you can imagine there’s a logo in the center of the back of my shirt, I’m going to get it turned as far as I can until I get even to the right of the camera.
So those two things working together are going to help you to get a good full turn away from the ball. Give yourself plenty of time to do this, go nice and slow so that you get that full turn.
Focus in on those two key feelings, it’s going to help you to get a bigger turn, it’s going to help you ultimately to hit the ball a heck of a lot farther.
So let’s go ahead and try it out. There we go, big full turn, lot of power in that one. Cut it about a groove low, but I really had some high swing speed with it.
So good luck to you guys, get that good full turn, I’ll see you all soon.