You can still work on your speed with out a swing speed device and still receive massive gains. Your progress may be a little slower, but you will still improve greatly. The whole reason we ask you to measure your speeds is so you can have feedback on your performance. How can you know, truly, if you’re doing better without measuring? How do you know if you swung hard or if you made more solid contact? Or vice versa? Maybe you swung hard but you made less contact. Having a device would take the guessing away when hitting shots. You can still get the feelings and swing out of your shoes as we recommend. You just won’t have that little extra help along the way for super fast improvement.
What's Covered: This audio covers what the difference is in your performance, with and with out the swing speed device.
Golf Pros Featured:
Instructors Featured: Clay Ballard
Video Duration: 3:11
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