Today you’ll discover “How to Hit a Stinger | Keep It Low and Let It Roll”
The ability to hit a “stinger” is a great weapon to have on the golf course…
…whether you’re using it to get out of trouble, keep your shot out of the wind, or just to get the ball into the fairway with some roll…
…there are a variety of ways it can come in handy.
Hitting a stinger doesn’t need to be difficult…
…but there are 3 big mistakes I see all the time that make it much tougher on you.
The first, and the one I see most often, is putting it way back in your stance and trying to chop down on the ball…
…check out what you SHOULD be doing instead and discover the other common issues I see a lot.
And be well on your way to having an extra option at your disposal while navigating the course…