And I have a question for you? “Do You Swing with Your Left Hand or Right Hand“?
If you’re like most players, your right hand tends to take over like a ruthless golf swing dictator!
That dang hand just won’t stop flipping, casting, pushing, and jerking.
It’s extremely frustrating.
But when you try to use the left hand you feel weak.
So what exactly are you supposed to do?
In this video you’ll discover precisely when and how to use the right hand so you can feel strong and powerful in your swing.
(without the flipping, casting, pushing, or jerking)
And you’ll discover exactly how and when to use your left hand (which isn’t as strong) to get tons of speed, without tons of muscle.
Teaser: It has to do with the left shoulder.
Don’t miss this video, or your hands may continue fighting each other forever.