Today, you’ll discover “The First Move To Start The Downswing”
In today’s lesson…
TSG Instructor, Michael Derr will give you an unusual hand move to begin your downswing…
…that will both shallow your club AND square the club face!
The Only 5 Golf Swing Pieces That Really Matter
Today, you’ll discover “The First Move To Start The Downswing”
In today’s lesson…
TSG Instructor, Michael Derr will give you an unusual hand move to begin your downswing…
…that will both shallow your club AND square the club face!
When should you start the downswing in golf?
I’m often asked this question from students that struggle with their weight shift.
Syncing your arms, hips, and weight shift in the downswing can be a little confusing…
So let’s make sure you have it down pat.
In this video, you’ll learn when to start your downswing.
You’ll learn what to feel in your downswing…
And you’ll learn the science behind the weight shift.
The video starts by exploring what causes your body to rotate and shift your weight.
Every athletic motion involves rotation and weight shift.
A football quarterback shifts back then forward to release the ball with speed.
A baseball player throws with a similar motion…
And shifts his weight while swinging the bat.
Many golf swing methods have attempted to reduce the complexity of the swing by trying to reduce, or even remove, the weight shift…
But those methods fall short when comparing them to more powerful, athletic swings that do have a weight shift.
So how should you swing?
Start by shifting your weight back and load up.
Push down and out into the ground with your right foot as you rotate back and shift your weight back.
The technical term for this is downforce reaction.
That’s just a fancy term to describe where you’re shifting your weight and where you’re applying pressure to the ground.
Now we’re ready to discuss when you should start the downswing.
As your arms approach the top of the backswing…
Your weight should start to shift forward.
There’s a brief separation between your lower body and upper body.
In the downswing, as your weight shifts forward and your hips open up…
Your upper body and arms rotate around and through contact.
Your left leg will start to push down and out.
Watch this video now to discover when should you start the downswing golf…
And learn how to shift your weight throughout the swing!
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