Why You Need This: Today, you'll discover "You Will Never Hit Your Driver The Same Again | 3 5's Drill"
In today's lesson...
I'm going to show you 3 simple tips that is going to turn your driver into a major weapon for your golf game and make driving the ball SO much fun!
After you try today's first tip...
...you'll be amazed at how much easier it makes swinging your driver!
Golf Pros Featured:
Instructors Featured: Clay Ballard
Video Duration: 9:43
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Video Transcription:
Have I got a video for you to help you hit your driver, absolutely fantastic. You're gonna feel like this thing is a weapon and all we have to do is a few simple things that all great drivers of the golf ball do. And once we incorporate that technique, driving's gonna get to be fun. Now, the first one is we need to be behind the golf ball.
So what I measure tour pros is they come down into impact. Their head is well behind the golf ball. They're almost looking at the golf ball from behind it like this. I see a lot of players when they're hitting drivers, especially drivers that are very poor drivers of the golf ball, they'll get that head in.
And now all of a sudden, my nose is over the golf ball or in front of the golf ball, and I'm gonna start to chop down, or I'm gonna back up outta my posture. I'm gonna flip it. I'm gonna do all these things that I don't wanna do. So let's go ahead and do a little trick here. It's gonna help us get in the right position.
I wanna play the ball on kind of the inside of my left foot. The exact position is up to you. You can move it around, but anywhere up there is good. I'm gonna take a stance that's slightly wider than shoulder width. That way I can get some good power into the shot. And I'm gonna put my hands with my fingertips, even on my thighs.
So I mean, my fingertips are at the same level here as I set up, I'm straight up and down here. Now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna tilt and I'm gonna let my hips go forward. My upper body go back slightly. That's gonna take my shoulders and tilt 'em a little bit more this way and my fingertips on my right.
They're gonna come down until they're just above my knee or my right knee. So I'm gonna slide 'em down this way. Now they're just above my knee. My left hand is gonna be moving up my leg like this, As that happens, and now I've got my body in the perfect angle to be able to hit this ball from the inside and be really shallow.
So now that I'm here, I'm behind the golf ball. Now I feel like I'm gonna stay there the entire time. It's gonna help me to get in from the slot. And if you look from face on, you're gonna see that I'm not moving around all over this. I can really stay in that one position even though I'm getting a little weight.
My head is staying there, which is gonna make me very consistent. Now, if you do this correct, you should be able to hit a nice power draw out there cuz your body's in the position to make that happen. Let's go ahead and try that out.
There we go. Crush that one felt really nice. Stay from the inside. 3 0 6, great club. Bed speed and ball speed. So really nice shot. Now if you're not set up in the right way, if you don't have your body behind the golf. And you're in front like that. I find that you'll fight that forever. You'll try all these other tips, and your body's just outta position.
It's gonna be too hard to do the other things you wanna do. So maybe if you're sliding in front and you're steep, well, it's gonna be tough to get from the inside. Shallow it out if I'm sliding in front. So fix that one piece first. Keep your head behind the golf ball. Now you're in position to where you can do the other things that great golf balls golf drivers do.
So let's go ahead and do five reps to this. Again, slide your fingers down to your right fingers above your. Do that and make a practice swing. Do five reps of that so you get the feeling of it. Then you can go ahead and start hitting some golf balls. Now the second piece of it makes it really easy to get shallowed out and from the inside makes it almost foolproof to do this.
Now I have an impact bag here, and if you want this exact impact bag, this is my favorite one. Eye line golf makes this one. It has a couple slants for your irons. It's very durable. Love this impact bag. I'll put a link in the description or somewhere on this. If you buy one of these, from that link, we get a few bucks, helps us to make these great videos for you.
Keep on making this great content, but if not, use a pillow, Use a rolled up towel. You can use whatever you want to to make this happen. This is just the one that I prefer, so I'm gonna put it one foot behind my golf ball and it's gonna be in line with my golf ball. So what I mean by that is if I put a club on the edge of this impact bag on this wall, It should be lined up with my golf ball here now that allows me to swing from the inside, miss this impact bag, and get that nice draw without ever hitting it.
Now, if I start to lean in front again, like we talked about, I start to get steep on the down swing. I'm gonna be chopping down in that impact bag. It's, it's in the way. Now. Be careful to give yourself a little bit extra space at the beginning and then gradually scoot that forward if you're an over the top.
Again, I'm gonna do my tilt, and then from here, here's what I'm gonna feel. I'm gonna feel like now that my body's behind it, I've cleared out an alley for me to swing this way. Now that's exaggerated. I wanna feel like this club is almost on this wall back here, and then swing out to that wall over there.
Now, that's not really happening, but I can tell you the number of people that I see that overshadow the club, almost zero. The number of people that I see that get too steep and out. Almost a hundred percent right? So let's go ahead and exaggerate this. I've got my body in a good position now. I'm gonna feel like this club gets backed on this wall and then swings out toward that wall Again, not really gonna happen, but that's the feeling that we want to have again here.
I'm gonna try to hit a nice little power draw. Let's give it a whirl. Yeah, hit that one. Nice. Started down the right center, drawing back. Couldn't ask for anything better than that. Great distance. 2 99. Carried two 80 in the air. Very happy with that one. Now, I wasn't going a hundred percent at it. I can always kick it up a little bit, but I find this last thing helps you to swing as hard as you want to and not have to worry about that ball coming back.
So do your five reps of that again? We got our tilts. We did five reps of the fingertips. We did five let reps club in the wall, club into the wall, missing this impact bag. And now finally, this is the piece that I think makes this easy to do. You see, when you're coming over the top, this right forearm gets.
And as I'm making my down swing, if I'm over the top or steep, you're gonna see my right forearm is kind of covering up my left forearm where you almost can't see it on the camera there, it's blocking it. Now, if I do this correctly and I come from the inside with some good lag, look how now my right forearm is well underneath my left forearm.
You could even have a player put a club shaft between your forearms and kind of set it like, I, I won't have a, I won't be able to do this cause I'm just by myself. But I'm gonna have someone even put a club kinda last parallel. They should be able to fit a club between your forearms there, so whenever you pause.
Last parallel means when my club shaft is parallel to the ground in the downswing, you should be able to fit a golf club through there and not be able to hit it. If I'm steeper, no way I'm getting a club in there. It's gonna feel like I'm snapping that. . Now from there, that puts me in a position where I have this late lag.
I'm from the inside, and now I'm gonna feel like I hammer this ball from the inside. Here's what I mean by that. If I had a wall here, let's actually pretend I'm gonna hit this wall. If I was gonna hit this wall with my club, I turned the tip of the club out, like I got like an ax. If I come through here, I'd be doing exactly that.
Look how my right forearm is lower than my left. And then from there, I'm gonna have my hands almost to this wall, and then I'm gonna release the club and hammer it. It feels really powerful. That's the exact same thing you're doing in your golf swing. I'm getting this club lagging from the inside, right forearm below the left, and then I'm gonna hammer that golf ball from the inside, the same way that I was hammering the wall right there.
Now that's a very powerful feeling for most players. And once you feel. It's like the light bulb goes off. Now I understand why I have to be behind the golf ball. That's to get me in this position. Now I understand why I can miss this bag and still hit a great shot that gets me in that same position. So now I'm gonna go ahead and do the three things.
We mentioned another five reps of that hammer motion with the right forearm lower, and you've got the feel of exactly what you need to do. Let's go ahead and give it a whirl here. I'm gonna crank this one up a little bit. Let's get a little bit more swing speed on.
Here we go. Went a little harder at that one. Again, the nice draw came from right to left. Three 18 on that one club head speed went up to one 20, but the best part is I don't have to worry about it. I know that I can swing as hard as I want to cuz that ball's gonna come back from right to left cuz my body's in the right position and my club's working in the right way.
Now there is one final piece of this that I think players often get. In this video, what I've taught you to do here is I've taught you to get your body in a position to where you can sing swing from the slot and inside out. Now, most players really struggle with that. Actually, it feels dag on near impossible to make that happen.
Here's the reason why we get in this great swing, this great position. We look just like a tour pro. We've never been taught how to square up the club properly, and if we can square up the club properly, we swing like. The ball draws. If we've been taught the wrong way to release the golf club, we get from the inside.
The face is wide open, the ball starts to the right, but it doesn't draw back. The ball fades even more to the right. And lemme tell you, that's one of the worst feeling shots you can have. It's short. It doesn't have any pop on it, and it goes a mile over to the right. Really a disaster. So what I wanna teach you, now that we've got the swing in a good position, I wanna teach you the right way to square up the face.
So what I want you to do from. It's going over to the move section of the top speed golf system. And there I'm gonna teach you not only what we talked about here, build on what we talked about here to shallow the club out. But I'm gonna talk about a very specific way to release the club so that you know every single shot's turned over from right to left.
And you swing as hard as you want to. You can open as fast as you want. You can do whatever you want to do. You know that ball's coming back into the fairway. So head on over to the move section now. Just click on the instruction tab, go to the top speed golf. Click on the move and just do one video from the move, and you'll be well on your way to building this so you don't even have to think about it.
You just grab a driver, you step up to the T, and you make the swing just like we talked about today. And that ball comes right back into the fairway every single time. I can't wait to share it with you some of the secrets to make this happen. Let's held on over the move right now.