Why You Need This: Today, you'll discover "Unlock Your Backswing | Stop Feeling Rushed"
In today's lesson...
Discover why your trail knee is the key to unlocking your backswing...
...and eliminating the urge to rush your downswing.
If you're interested in having a smooth, effortless swing with lots of power...
...you'll want to make sure you understand this.
It's not difficult once you know what you need to do.
Golf Pros Featured:
Instructors Featured: Clay Ballard
Video Duration: 4:34
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Normally, this video in our step-by-step, course-based training is only available to our All Access Members...
But I'll let you watch this ONE video today only... because I can already tell I'm going to like you !
Video Transcription:
Now to free up your back swing and smooth out that transition, it all comes down to the right knee. Now, a big mistake I see a lot of players make is in the back swing. They keep this right knee flex the entire time, and if I keep this right knee flex, I start feeling tight right around here. Now the reason is, is when this leg doesn't move, this right leg doesn't move and the knee stays forward.
My hips can't really rotate. They're kinda locked in there, and I can only turn so much before my whole midsection gets really tight. I feel like this is the end of my backswing almost Now, what we want to do is actually loosen that knee up, and instead of keeping this knee kind of flexing, facing forward, we wanna go ahead and let that knee drive back.
It's almost like you're pushing into the ground. This knee's gonna straighten up here. This angle is gonna go away, and that's gonna push my right hip behind my body. That's exactly what I should feel like. I should feel like this hip is going behind me as I let that right leg straighten. Now, be very careful.
I don't want this knee to do this. I don't wanna do a reverse pivot where this knee flies out. I'm letting it go this way. Almost like you're going, uh, rotating your hips and your knees, right, knee goes back, left knee goes forward, just like that. So if you take your hands a few times, naturally, most people will do this.
Very easily. This is how you rotate your hips. That's exactly what you're gonna wanna do in the golf swing. Now all of a sudden, I've let my hip go behind my body. I've got this big hip turn, and it feels really easy to rotate as much as I want to Now. In fact, I feel so fluid and easy with that as I let my hips rotate.
I can stand up here in the top of my back swing. And just sit there for two, three minutes, completely fine. So now I can smooth out my transition as that's happened. So if I keep this knee flexed, I'm gonna feel really quick. I'm gonna feel tight, and as soon as I get here, I'm gonna feel this urge to kind of, you know, rush my downswing.
Maybe I had a good one, maybe I had a bad one. I actually chunk that one, which you can't really tell on the mat very much, but I hit that six iron 153 yards and I felt extremely rushed. That was a right knee flex. Now I'm gonna go ahead and do it the right way and we can see how this is gonna look a lot more fluid and I'm actually gonna hit it a lot farther as I'm doing that.
Here we go. So one 90 on that one. Much better, much more fluid. Now that's to get the backswing. What do we do in the downswing now? What a start The downswing. We just reverse it. The back swing, the right hip and the right knee went this way in the downswing to start it, I'm gonna stay here at the top of my swing, smooth out my transition by letting my right knee kick down toward the ball now, now everything just goes in reverse the opposite direction as my arms and hands kind of stay back, so I'm not standing up rushing and hitting it.
I'm letting my knee go forward to start the downswing, and then I'm letting my arms and hands. Swing down to the ball. Let's go ahead and try that out. There we go. And we see how nice and. Relaxed how loose That was 1 97. Carry on that last one. Very happy with that. Now this is all just piece of a, a bigger structure of the golf swing.
There's five things that every player has to do, right? And rotating the knees, the hips, and the shoulders is one of those things. It's called the power turn in our top speed golf system. And in this video you got very used to letting those knees and hips rotate so that you can get that good loaded up position in the backswing.
But I gotta be honest with you, if you just do this one video, you're gonna go out and hit it great today, but it's not ingrained if you wanna ingrain it forever, so you never have to think about it again. Go ahead and go to the instruction tab on the website, go to the TSG system and go to the power turn section.
You're gonna do a series of drills there that will lock this in. It will cement this into your swing, so you never have to think about it. You just get up out of the car, very first swing of the day, you're rotating, well, you're hitting it with some great power. You're swinging just like you've always wanted to swing.
That can't happen from just one video. This video will start it. But as you go through level one, level two, level three, and start to complete those drills, that's what locks it in forever so that in a very short period of time, You just show up and play golf and enjoy playing. You don't even have to worry about your swing cuz it's baked right into your DNA of your swing.
You don't have to think about it all. So I challenge you today to head on over to the power turn. Just do one video from level one of the power turn section and you're gonna be hooked. You're gonna be having a blast playing some great golf and I can't wait to hear about it. I'll see you over in the power turn.