Why You Need This: We all want a "Simple Golf Swing."
So why do we feel like 100 thoughts are racing through our mind while we are over the golf ball?
The truth is, most instruction is geared toward small pieces that don't matter.
In this video, I give you 6 easy steps to play great golf this week.
Let's get started....
Golf Pros Featured:
Instructors Featured: Clay Ballard
Video Duration: 11:57
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Video Transcription:
Let’s build that simple golf swing. Now the golf swing is really made up of three different areas.
We have a rotation which is the back and forth around the body. We have a weight shift which is a shift to the right and a shift to the left in our follow through. Every single good golfer does both of those things.
Then the third piece we have is an up and down. We have to lower into the ground and then push into the ground to really leverage the ground and get a lot of speed.
Now great golfers do all three of these very well. If you watch guys on the PGA Tour, they have these beautiful swings.
What it’s saying is, that they have a perfect blend of rotation, weight shift, and vertical or up and down in the swing.
I have a very easy way just follow these steps, do these drills, and you could build that same thing in your swing and make the golf swing a lot more simple.
OK, so the first piece is rotation. We can think of this as just being level with the ground, letting our shoulders go ahead and rotate. This is what I call the Power Turn in the top speed golf system.
That’s the rotation back, and the rotation through. But I’m going to break it down even simpler than that.
Let’s grab a golf club and put it across our shoulders here, and what I want you to do is to stand straight up and down, have this club move parallel with the ground, and if you can imagine a golf ball on front of me, I’m going to get the head of the club pointing to the right of that golf ball.
Now in order to do that, I have to use my legs a little bit. I have to let my hips start to rotate, I let my belt buckle go back, then I’ll let my shoulders go back from there.
Everybody should be able to as long as you use your hips and legs to get that club pointing to the right. If there was a golf ball in front of you, or imagine a line straight in front of me, I should be able to get that club pointing to the right of that.
If you’re not very flexible, loosen up that left leg to get that rotation to the right. Now from there, go ahead and let your body turn all the way around, and get this but end of the club pointing past that straight line and as far into the finish as you can.
Now again, if I let my right foot swivel around, if I let my legs and my hips come around, everybody should be able to get past this line.
Now depending on your flexibility, you may be able to go farther or shorter past that line, but make sure that foot swivels around. If I keep that food down, I’m not going to be able to go very far.
That’s what I find is the number one mistake with this. Players are too leg locked, they’re keeping their legs too still, and they’re not able to rotate in the backswing, they’re not able to rotate in the follow through, and it kills your distance and it kills the fluidity of your swing.
Let’s go ahead and do 20 reps, going past that line on the backswing, 20 reps going past that line in the forward swing, and we’re really going to get the rotation piece of the golf swing.
Now from there, we’re going to tilt this forward. The only difference between this which would be kind of more of a baseball swing, swinging level with the ground, and a golf swing, is that instead of being level with the ground, we’re going to go ahead and hinge from our hips and do the exact same thing.
So instead of turning level, now I’m going to hinge from my hips and you’ll see that everything is pointing down to the ground. Imagine this like a giant plane of a glass, kind of like the Hogan plane of glass that’s pretty famous.
I’m going to swing on that plane of glass with my hips and shoulders on the backswing and the follow through.
Now as I come into the follow through, I’m going to find that I can only get so far until I have to come up, stand up out of my posture, and let my body rotate all the way around.
Let’s do another 20 reps, just hinging forward and doing the exact same thing. Again, I’m building this simple, simple golf swing, and I’m not coming to my full finish as I’m doing this.
I’m just going back and forth on that plane of glass, rotating as far as I can. I find most players, again, don’t use enough legs and they can’t get very much rotation.
But do 20 reps getting used to going back and through, and building that rotation while you’re in your posture. Then we’ll build on this with the next piece, and the next drill here.
OK, so step number three, we have to add the weight shift to this. Again, put that club across your shoulders, now what we’re going to do is we’re going to get in our posture.
I want you to go ahead and put your feet together. Now as you make your backswing, or you swing in your posture, you rotate in your posture, I want you to go ahead and step forward.
As I do my backward swing of the golf swing, I’m going to step forward and then as I make my forward swing, I’m going to come all the way around to my good full finish.
Now what this forces us to do is to get a weight shift to the right and the left. Remember, I talked about the golf swing being rotation which we did in the first two drills. It’s a weight shift, and it’s a vertical.
Now we’re onto the weight shift. With my feet close together, as soon as I take a step forward, my left foot comes off the ground, but where is all my weight?
My weight has to be on my right foot, because it’s the only one touching the ground. That ensures that my weight is transferred to my right in my backswing.
As I’m making my backswing, my left foot is in the air starting to step forward. As I make my forward swing, now my weight has to shift to this front foot in order to be able to finish on this front leg in the follow through.
So you’ll notice, again, my right toe is barely touching the ground. The incorrect way to do this, there’s two different ways.
Number one would be go to the top of the backswing and then try to step and come forward at the same time. That’s not the right way.
I want to make this step as soon as my backswing starts, so I’m stepping as soon as I start to move, I’m stepping forward.
If I wait until the top of the backswing and then try to step and turn in the downswing, there’s just not enough time, I’m all out of whack with the weight shift. The step forward has to happen as soon as I start going.
Number two, if I do the step forward correct, but then as I finish my swing, I keep my right foot down, I’m not really going to shift my weight the whole way.
I’m kind of keeping some weight on my right side. I want you to go ahead, make that step, and then as you finish, all my weight’s on my left side and my right toe is on the ground. Get another 20 reps of this.
Again, do this correctly, it looks just like this, it’s a really easy drill to do. I’m timing up that step, rotation, and my weight shift, everything just happens naturally once we get the feel for this drill.
On to the fourth piece here. Now we’re going to add that vertical to it, so we’ve got the rotation, we’ve got the weight shift, we’re only missing one part to a great golf swing which is the up and down.
This is how we’re going to boost our power a little bit, and get that club to release out in front of the golf ball.
What I want you to do, again, put that club across your shoulders, hinge forward to where you’re in your posture. We can rotate back and through.
We’re going to start with our feet together just like we did in the last drill. This time as you step forward, I’m going to actually bend down a little bit.
As I start to make my backswing and I step forward, I’m going to go ahead and let my legs bend a little bit. This would be the wrong way to do this, you see how my legs haven’t bent and I’m really high.
Watch my head, and see how it lowers in this one. I’m squatting down, almost like you’re going to go down to grab a rebound or something like that.
The only difference is I’m rotated back as I’m doing this. As I rotate back, now I’m squatting down. Look how my knees are going to bend, right, so my legs are bending here as I’m loading into the ground.
Then in my follow through, I’m going to go ahead and extend, let my legs come up, and my chest is nice and high. This is really critical to the golf swing.
A good golf swing, we’re letting that lead shoulder get lower, and we’re letting the hands turn up and that whips the club through contact.
If I don’t ever get low, or if I don’t ever low those legs, I’m going to stay too high and I’m just going to throw my arms and hands at the golf ball.
If I lower and get those legs working, now I can whip that golf club through contact. So another 20 reps, put the club across the shoulders, step forward as we’re making that backswing, and this time you’re going to load, bend the legs, and come all the way to a full finish.
Again, I’ll do a few more times for you so you can see what that looks like. Making sure that I step forward as soon as I start my swing, and I go ahead and let the legs load, let the leg extend, and now I’ve got all three pieces.
We haven’t worried about the hands and arms, we haven’t worried about the club head yet, that all comes next.
But again, rotation, I’ve done my weight shift, and I’ve done my vertical of the swing making things a lot simpler, and now all we have to do is add the hands and arms, which is one of the easiest parts.
All right, so step number five, let’s add the hands and arms to this. I’m going to let my hands and arms hang down.
If I was just to do the rotation piece, you’d notice that plane of glass again, how it’s on an angle, I would let my arms swing on that plane of glass. They’re not coming off the plane of glass.
That’s going to keep me in my posture in the golf swing, that’s going to make the golf swing really easy, and consistent as I do this.
Now number two, we have that weight shift. So again, I’m going to have my hands and arms forward. As my arms swing back, I’m going to step forward.
As my arms go back, my foot goes forward, from there I’m going to squat and then I’m going to come all the way on to my finish.
So again, as my arms go back, my foot steps forward, I’m going to squat as I do this, and then I’m going to come all the way to my finish as that’s happening. That should look something like this.
That’s the golf swing, that’s really what’s happening with your body as you’re doing this. You’re building that muscle memory, you’re making this automatic.
20 more reps adding the arm swing to that on that plane of glass. Now you’ll notice as my arms come to the full finish, I can only stay on that plane of glass to about here and then my foot has to swivel on around and I have to come to my full finish.
So let your arms come wherever they will naturally when you come to the full finish of this, don’t worry about that.
But as I go back, and as I come through contact, I want them riding that plane of glass so everything stays in my posture.
Now finally we’re going to add this club. This will be really easy once we ingrain the body motions, and really the body motions are what dictate what happens with the club.
When the body motions get off, that’s when we really struggle hitting the ball consistently and getting the club to do what we want to do.
Where our body motions, our rotation, our vertical, our weight shift are off, we have no chance of making this club perform correctly.
So now I’m going to set up the same way as I did with my drills. I’m hinging forward, putting my feet together.
As I swing back, I’m going to let my feet go forward, let that step happen, and I’m going to sink into the ground, let my legs flex. As I come through, again, that good, full, finish. Another 20 reps of this.
Let the club swing back, stay in my posture, really get those legs to work, make sure I load into the ground so I’m getting my verticals.
Make sure I’m rotating back and rotating through all the way, now the club is just working through. So we’ve built this in this drill, now you just want to recreate the same feelings, simulate the same feelings whenever you’re hitting a golf ball.
So as I keep my feet still now, I’m going to have that weight shift to the right as I go back. I’m going to make sure I make that good, full turn as I go back.
As I start my downswing, or as my club gets moving just a little bit back, I’m actually then having my weight shift to the left leg.
So I’m going to feel like I’m on my right foot, shifting to the left foot and my legs are bending. Then I’m finishing my swing, just like we did in the drills.
Same sensations that just my feet aren’t moving now. I’m having the same feeling, but my feet are staying fairly planted on the ground.
Again, remember, let that right toe come all the way up when you finish your swing. Follow these drills, go through those reps, golf’s going to be a lot easier.
If you’re a member of the Top Speed Golf System, I don’t want you to stop here. Now in this video, I talked about some of the key points of the golf swing.
I talked about how to rotate back and through, how to get your weight shift, and this is really no different than what we talk about in the Top Speed Golf System.
I’ve just condensed those down into one quick, easy video to get you started and get you well on your way.
Now if we really want to ingrain those long-lasting results, if you want to be able to show up to the first tee and know you’re going to hit some good shots that day, we have to build that long-lasting muscle memory.
The best way to do this is go to level 1 in the Top Speed Golf System and start working through that so you build in the reps, and you build in so it’s completely automatic, this happening.
Now one of the big keys, and where I want you to start today, is what we talked about in this video. We talked about the Power Turn in the rotation part of the swing.
Go to level 1 in the Power Turn section, start going through those drills to build on what we did here today, and you’re going to have those long-lasting result like I talked about to where you don’t even think about it.
You just show up to the first tee, you’re going to make that Power Turn, and you’re going to hit some great shots.
Let’s go ahead and get started, I’ll see you in the Power Turn.