Why You Need This: Today, you'll discover "Set Your Wrists Like This for More Solid Golf Shots | Waiter Drill"
I know how difficult it can be to get the clubface squared at impact...
...and, if you’re not doing it the right way...
...you’re losing distance and accuracy with every swing.
If you’re like most people, you’re squaring the face the wrong way...
...but today, I’ll show you the right way to square the clubface…
...including how to be in the perfect position at the top of the swing (which is vital to get this right)…
...by showing you a drill that’ll get you setting your wrists properly.
Make sure you don’t miss today’s video…
...so that you can start hitting the most solid shots of your life!
Golf Pros Featured:
Instructors Featured: Quentin Patterson
Video Duration: 6:25
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Normally, this video in our step-by-step, course-based training is only available to our All Access Members...
But I'll let you watch this ONE video today only... because I can already tell I'm going to like you !
Video Transcription:
Quentin Patterson: So why is it so difficult to hold on to lag and get that forward shaft lean at impact that all the pros have? We all want that.
First we have to understand exactly what squares up the face. This is really the main reason I see people have trouble with this.
So the first thing, there’s basically three things that square up the face. The first thing is how we release the club.
If we release this club early, that’s actually a means to kind of close the face. So if you imagine if I have this club like this, and I just take it and I have it straight up and down, and I lean it forward, you can see that that opens the face right here.
That’s basically releasing the club more out in front. If I lean it this way, that’s releasing the club early, you can see that that closes the face. That’s the first piece. That’s what a lot of people do to close up the face at impact.
Another piece that closes the face is the twisting of the face here. That can come from the twisting of our arms, so we have internal/external rotation of our lead arm.
We have internal/external of our trail arm. We also have the rotation of our wrist, so our forearms working and rolling over.
That’s another thing that a lot of people who struggle with forward shaft lean that release the club early, really roll the hands over like that. The next piece with the twisting of the face, is how we use the wrists.
So with the wrists, we have what would be flexion of the lead wrist and extension of the trail wrist. So we call that knuckles back and then that would be bowing with the lead wrist.
You can see when I do that, that closes the club face. If I go the opposite way, if I cup the lead wrist and I really push through this way with the trail wrist, you can see that that opens the face. So that’s the second piece.
The last piece, is pretty simple and it’s just the raising and lower the handle. If I raise the handle up, you can see that that opens the face. If I lower it, it closes the face.
So unfortunately, a lot of people’s natural means to square up the face at impact, is to release the club early, which closes the face, right?
We get the handle high, which opens the face, and then they roll the hands over as they’re coming through contact.
So when you do that, you can square up the face doing that, but it’s not going to be the most efficient way to hit the golf ball.
So if you look at Clay’s swing right now, we’re going to play it on the screen, look at it in slow motion, you’re going to see how he comes in and gets that handle nice and low as he’s coming into contact.
He also turns that handle by twisting that flexion/extension that we talked about, which twists the face. He also releases that club out in front, which opens the face.
You add all those together, and that adds up to a square club face but it’s a much more efficient way to hit the golf ball because you’re able to get forward shaft lean and compression on the golf ball when you do that.
So that’s all great, that’s great information, but how do we fix this? How do we get to where we’re able to get into that position at impact?
It really starts at the top of the swing, that’s really where we want to get that position at the top in order to get that club face squaring at impact.
If we’re in a bad position at the top of the swing, it’s just going to be really difficult to get that club face squaring up in the correct way at impact.
So what I would recommend you do is something I would call the Waiter Drill. That’s what I call it.
The reason for that, is when you’re at the top of the swing, what you want to feel like is that when your trail hand here, and I really like to focus on the trail hand, because for most people that’s their dominant hand. It’s the easiest one to think about.
So if we go up to the top of the swing, what we want to feel like is that we’re a waiter holding a tray here at the top of the swing.
If we feel like that, we can see how that gets my lead wrist nice and a little bit bowed here at the top, and it gets my club already in a square or even slightly closed position.
Then from there, all I have to do is kind of shallow the club a little bit and rotate into impact to where I’m getting that club face square.
So again, if we look at Clay’s swing, look at it from down the line in Clay’s swing, you’re going to see at the top of the swing here how he’s starting to bow that lead wrist. He’s starting to bend back that trail wrist.
So let’s do a drill where we’re going to start out really slow here, and we’re going to go up to the top and we’re going to pause at the top, and we’re going to get that waiter feeling.
We’re going to get that waiter that we’re holding a tray at the top. We’re going to get that feeling palm pointing up to the sky there, and then from there, I just want you to swing through all the way through into the full finish there.
I would do about 50 reps, where you’re getting comfortable with that. Going up to the top, you’re getting into that position, and then you’re swinging, rotating through, getting into that good release out in front position as you come through impact.
Once you start getting more comfortable with that, now let’s shorten the pause. Because what the pause does, is it allows you to organize your movement. You can think about it, you can organize it.
But once you start getting better at it and more comfortable, you don’t need as much time to organize that. You can start to shorten up that pause.
So that’s what I want you to do on the next 50 reps, I want you to go up to the top, and now let’s just make that move at the top, and make it nice and short, and then swing all the way through.
Look on camera, make sure that it looks good. It’s important that you look on camera and make sure you’re getting that proper position at the top.
Once you start to feel comfortable with that, then you can do some fluid practice swings, nice and slow, go nice and fluid, get that proper feeling, get that working through.
Go nice and slow, and then I’d start to build the speed, build up the speed, build up the speed. Once you start to feel comfortable with that, you’re at full speed with it with a practice swing, now let’s add the golf ball.
I’m telling you, when you add the golf ball and you get that nice forward shaft lean, you get that strong position of that trail wrist at impact, you’re going to really, really start compressing the ball.
So one thing I touched on there in that video is the shallowing of the club. If we combine that with those wrist conditions that I talked about, that’s essentially The Move in the Top Speed Golf System.
If you really want to get this ingrained and make it second nature so that you do this automatically, you don’t have to think about it, it just happens, then you’re going to want to go to that Move course and work through all the drills in there, specifically the Tennis Racket Drill.
That’s going to be the best drill to get that proper visual of that club shallowing out, and getting those wrists conditions in the swing.
To get to that, if you’re a member of the website, all you have to do is click the Instruction tab at the top of the screen there, and then select the Top Speed Golf System, and go to The Move and get started on the course.