Why You Need This: Today, you'll discover "Online Student Makes Swing Upgrades | No More Quick Hooks"
In today's lesson...
You'll discover the tiny adjustment that Professor Q had his student, Robert, make with his hands to begin the downswing...
...that took him from having quick duck hooks...
...to piping straight drive after straight drive!
One small adjustment made Robert a much happier golfer on the course!
Golf Pros Featured:
Instructors Featured: Quentin Patterson
Video Duration: 7:49
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Video Transcription:
Hey, Quinton Patterson here and I'm really excited to share with you some awesome upgrades that my student Robert has made to his swing through my online swing reviews. So Robert was really struggling with quick hooks to the left. In fact, you can see here on his, uh, before swing, which is on the left, you can see how he is got a quick hook here on the screen, uh, from his previous swing on there.
And that's definitely something you want to address right away. We don't wanna have those quick hooks. Don't wanna start out holes with penalty strokes, or hitting outta the woods or having to punch out. That's gonna make out for a long day. Uh, for sure. So let's get rid of me and then let's talk about what some of these lines are that I have drawn on here.
So the first line is this vertical yellow line. This is what we call the tush line. It's just a vertical line that gets, um, put on the edge of the backside there. And we just kind of use that as a reference to see, okay, are the hips extending too soon? You know, that, that, uh, so on and so forth. And then the red line is what we call the elbow plane line that goes from the hale to the club up through the elbow.
And this just gives us a really good reference of. How the club's working down to the ball and the downswing. Is it shallowing, is it steep? Uh, so on and so forth. So the first thing you're gonna notice here with Robert, the first upgrade that we wanted to make is I wanted him to get a little bit taller at a dress and get his hips a little bit more on top of his ankles.
So you're gonna see here, if you kinda look at the line, The, the tush line here on the, on the right hand side, you can see how that's a little bit closer to his heels, whereas here is a little bit farther away. His backside's kind of pushed out a little bit. Well, why would we want to make that change?
Well, the reason is when I see players with their hips pushed out back, uh, back like that, typically they're, they're gonna do some funny things in, in the backswing that puts 'em in a tough position at the top. Now, you can certainly make a great backswing from here. There are players that do that. Keegan Bradley does that.
Right. But if you watch here with, um, with Robert, you're gonna see how he really squats his knees, flexes his knees a lot, and he moves hips, hips away from, from that tush line. And I'm not a big fan of that. I like to see those hips stay on, on that toosh line. I don't like, I don't really like to see you moving closer to it, um, in the back swinging.
So if you look now in the backswing, we're gonna see how those hips stay nicely on that touch line. We also have a little bit less squat at the top of swing. So I really, really like that. Um, the next thing you're gonna notice here is at the top how his left arm here isn't as upright. So right. If we look here, you can see very, very upright arm.
We're gonna see here the arms more closely matching, um, that elbow plane line. I prefer that there are definitely advantages to having. The, the arms more upright you can create, maybe be able to create a little bit more speed from there. But the disadvantage is, is that it makes it more difficult to shallow out the club from there, right?
So I like a good, happy medium of having the hands high, having 'em above the elbow plane, but maybe matching pretty closely, matching the elbow plane. And that usually puts you in a great place to be able to shadow out the club. That's where you're gonna see the majority of the greatest players. Again, there are, there are obviously some great players like Bubba Watson that get their hands way up there.
Um, but the majority of better players you're gonna see in a position that you're seeing here. Um, on the right. The other thing that I wanted to do is get the club a little less across the line. So let's undo some of these. So what I mean by that is let, let's draw a line on the butt end of the club.
Right. We'll do it. On both of these, you can see how the, the club is much more pointing to the right of the target, right on the, on the before swing, much more pointing to the right of the target. The reason why that's important is because we're gonna react to that, that head being in that position in the downswing.
Typically, what's gonna happen when the club's way across the line, Is a lot of players will move their hands in this direction, and that's exactly what Robert does. So if you watch Robert here, he moves his hands out away from him. And the reason why he does this is in an effort to get the club to shallow out, right?
Because if I move my hands this way, the club head's gonna want to go that way, right? The problem is we don't want our hands to move that far out away from us. It's gonna tend to do two things. One, it's gonna tend to make us come down steeply. Right, and two, it tends to open up the face. Now it's blurry here, it's a little bit hard, but this club face is probably pointing roughly in that direction.
And I will tell you, There, there's nobody that I've ever seen that plays golf for a living that has that club face pointing up to the sky in, in any way. When that club's parallel to the ground in the downswing, I just haven't seen it yet. That club is either vertical or pointing slightly down to the ground.
Some players are a lot down to the ground. Victor Holin very much down to the ground, um, at that point in the, in the swing. But pretty much all good players are gonna have that face pointing more down. So when you have to push your hands out, away from you. It's gonna tend to make the the face open, it's gonna tend to make you come down more steep.
And sure this club is on this elbow plane and if this was an iron swing where the ball position was more toward the middle of the sense, this would probably be okay. But this is a driver swing and we need to have that club underneath that elbow plane line in order for it to work out to the ball with the ball position.
More forward in the stance. The club's gonna tend to wanna work more to the left by the time it gets to the ball. So we want to have that club head more, you know, kind of in this area, uh, coming down. So basically the club face is open, we're coming down a little bit steep, and now what he has to do at the last second, he feels that face open.
He has to snap that face shut. So he is coming down steep with a shut face that's gonna lead to that quick hook. Right? So now if we look at the after swinging. What we're going to see is now we're gonna see those hands tracked more down on that elbow plane. Let's rewind his before swing so we can kind of see the difference there.
So at lead arm parallel, you're gonna see those hands working toward that elbow plane line, right? That's gonna give him more of an opportunity to be able to shallow out the swing. You're gonna see his hips on that touch line. Um, and then you're gonna see that club working behind the hands. It's more underneath the elbow playing, coming down, right?
So if we watch him coming down again, This is like on or a little bit above the elbow plane line. This club on the, uh, on the right, the actor swing working underneath, that's exactly where we want it. You're gonna see how he rotates as well. A lot better through the shot, rotates better through the shot in a much, much better position.
You can see how that trail arm, I really like this look right here, how that trail arm is more under, you can see a little bit of a window right there. I really like seeing the window there. And you can see in these after ones, look at all these drives. These are all dead straight, straight, straight, you know, all dead straight.
So Robert's done an awesome job of making these upgrades to his swing. He worked really, really hard on it. I'm proud of what he's done and uh, I would love to have the opportunity to work with you. I thank Robert for giving me the opportunity to help him. Uh, with a swing, and I would love to have an opportunity, uh, to work with you as well.
So if you're watching this video on the day that's being released, um, I'm actually, I'm opening up spots for, for my lessons today. So there should be a link below this video if you'd like to sign up for my online lessons. Uh, if you, if you, uh, if there is a link, but it says, you know, it's sold out, you know, sometimes it does sell out pretty quickly.
All you have to do is join the waiting list, and then we'll send you an email whenever I open up spots in the future, and then you can grab a spot at that time. But I'd love the opportunity to work with you and to help you make some upgrades of your swing, get rid of any issues that you're having out in the course that's making you shoot those scores and not helping you have as much fun out on the course.
So hopefully you're playing well. Uh, but if you want some help, I'm here to help you enjoy my online lessons. I'd be excited to work with you. Uh, just click the link below, play well, and I'll talk to you next time.