Why You Need This: Today, you'll discover "No. 1 Trick ALL Golfers Need To Learn"
In today's lesson...
...Professor Q gives you the inside track on how to start compressing the golf ball better than you ever have in your life!
After revealing the subtle difference you NEED to understand between a baseball swing and a golf swing...
...you'll find out how to customize YOUR swing to ensure your club face is square at impact.
Golf Pros Featured:
Instructors Featured: Quentin Patterson
Video Duration: 7:40
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Normally, this video in our step-by-step, course-based training is only available to our All Access Members...
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Video Transcription:
I'm sure you've heard that the golf swing is very much like the baseball swing. And it is, but only if you think about it in the correct way. You see, whenever I have someone tee up a ball like this and hit it with a baseball bat, intuitively, what they'll do is they'll position this tee outside and more in front of them toward the target.
The reason for that is that it allows you to do it more powerfully and intuitively. You know that. So what this allows me to do is this allows me to shift my weight to my lead side. This allows me to open up, get that lag, get that bat lagging behind me, and to be able to square up this bat with the direction that I'm trying to hit it Right.
So imagine this. Imagine I had to hit this ball dead straight down this line, but I had to place the ball in a position I would maybe have my seven iron. Right. So slightly forward of the middle of my stance about right here. If I were to hit that ball straight forward, I wouldn't be able to do that very powerfully.
Right. I would have to kind of hang back. I'd have to kind of pull my hands in and I'd have to really release this this bat or what feels like an early release, right. To get it to go straight So the trick is to not square up the shaft with where you're trying to hit. It is to let that ball get deep into imagine like you're hitting the ball down the opposite field.
So the golf swing is like the baseball swing. It's like the baseball swing. If we were hitting the ball down the right field line for right handed golfer left field line for a left handed golfer. Right. So if I were to hit this ball from that position as powerfully as I can, I would still shift my weight forward I would still open up my body, get this bat lagging behind me, but I would let my hands get in front and I would try to square up this bat with the direction I'm trying to hit it.
So that's the trick. We have to trick our brain into thinking we are hitting the ball down the opposite field line. Right. So how do we do that? So let's put this away, and I've a great drill for you that's going to allow you to kind of trick your brain into doing that. So this is like a gymnastic mat, like a mini gymnastic mat.
You can get this in any sporting goods store. I think this was like 20 or $30. It's not very much you can use an impact bag too. I just like this because it has a large, flat padded surface that works really, really great for this. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to set this up. I'm going to open this up, this foldable one here.
I'm going to set this up to where I have a large flat surface right here that's vertical. And what I'm going to do is I'm going to place a ball about a foot and a half behind that. So you can think of that is, you know, a grip, length and a half. So if I take this a grip length and then right there and then a half a grip length, I'm going to place the ball right about there.
And that puts it about in the normal iron position. I'm going to move this over just a little bit. And what I'm going to do is I'm going to do some practice swings where I go up to the top, I'm going to pause and then I come down and I'm going to try to square up this shaft to this mat And intuitively, this is this is something you're going to be able to do because it's very much like hitting a baseball straight forward.
Right? So that's the feeling that I'm having. I imagine like there's a baseball right here and I'm trying to hit a baseball with the shaft of of my club here. And I'm trying to hit that straight forward. I'm trying to hit a low and in fastball straight forward, straight to center field. That's the feeling that I'm going to have something off the top of the players.
And I come in and I come in and hit that dead flat. And the fact that it felt that it fell over, that's a good sign because that means that I hit it nice and square. Now you're going to be able to feel it, right? If you don't hit this, if you come in and you hit it, you don't hit it squarely, right?
If you come in and you stick the head in there, you're going to feel it, right? So you want to come in. It wants to be a nice, solid hit where the shaft everything is hitting this this whole part of the shaft in the clubhead is hitting this at the same time. So I want you to go nice and slow with it at first and then start to build up the speed and get to where you can do that pretty much at full speed where you're going up to the top.
You're pausing and then you're coming in and hitting this dead flush at full speed. Once you're able to do that, then let's do it where we actually come in and we brush the ground, right? We go up to the top, we pause and then we brush the ground and hit and hit the mat. So that would look something like this at the top.
So I come in and I hit that dead square after brushing the turf. So I'm going to get to where I can do that pretty much full speed. Now, once I'm able to do that, I want to take out the pause. I'm going to go up to the top nice fluid swing. Come in. I'm going to brush the turf and hit the mat once I'm able to do that.
Now, what we want to do is have this move to the side, right? So we have this move to the side. And like I said, you can do this with an impact bag. I just like this because it's a nice flat surface. And this might actually be a little bit cheaper than impact back. So I'm going to move this off to the side a little bit.
But what I'm going to do is I'm going to take a full swing again where I'm coming in, I'm brushing the turf, but I'm going to pretend like that mat is there and then I'm swinging through it. Right. So that would look something like this. I'm going to go up to the top. I'm going to pause and I come down here, brush the turf, and then I'm going to square up the club to that mat, and then I'm going to come around into a full finish.
So if I do that nice and slow, that looks something like this right? So now if you look at that on video, it may not be perfectly lined up, but that's the sensation I'm getting. You imagine if I came in and I really did that I came in. I mean, look how much shuffling I would have to get that to happen.
So this is an exaggeration having it a club, you know, a grip width and a half in front. But we really want to exaggerate things because we can always ease off of it. All right. So get to where you can do this in a practice swing and look at it on video, know look on view, see how close you're getting with the practice swing with getting that and then add the ball and do it with the ball there.
Now, what you may find after you've done a few of these, as you start seeing the ball go off to the right, you may actually start hitting the ball down the right field line. And that is completely normal. And that is because you're not used to squaring up the face with the shaft leaning forward. You're used to squaring up the face with no shuffling.
So basically you're squaring up the face and the shaft at the target. So what we want to do is learn how to get the shaft leaning forward, get the shaft kind of open to your target, and then also get the face square. So this is what we call the natural positioning move or finding your natural grip. And this is one thing that we talk about in the 20 minute shallowing fix.
So in the 20 minute shallowing flex, we talk about getting that chopping motion getting that feeling of hitting that baseball out in fryer, chopping that piece of wood, but finding your natural grip at that position to allow you to square up the face So after you work on this drill, what I want you to do is go to the 20 minute shallowing fix by clicking the instruction tab at the top of the screen, then going to the Top Golf Speed system and clicking the 20 minute shallowing fix.
Go there and then find your natural positioning. We can find that natural grip that's going to allow you to get that face square and to also trick yourself into feeling like you're hitting the ball down the right field line. And if you've already done the 20 minute shallowing fix, which is included with your membership and you're having trouble squaring up the face, you're leaving that face open when you're getting that shaft, when you're having trouble getting shaft lean.
This would be a really great drill to pair up with that course. So play well and I'll talk to you soon.