Why You Need This: In this video, "Golf Weight Shift to Hit High and Low Shots"...
You'll learn how to change your weight shift for different ball trajectories.
Being able to hit high and low shots is great to have in your arsenal.
If the wind is with you, it's nice to hit the ball higher for more distance.
On the other hand, if the wind is in your face, you'll want to hit a lower shot that penetrates the wind better.
How to hit low shots...
You'll need to get stacked more on your left side.
At impact, you should have a nice compression line.
You'll see a great example of your compression line in the video, which shows a line from your ankles, through the hip, and to the shoulder.
Important: To avoid unnecessary hip pain and/or injury, don't bump your hips out past your compression line.
How to hit high shots...
If you're looking to hit a high shot that rides the wind for more distance, then tilt back your compression line.
This will help get your club coming in at a higher launch angle.
I know changing up your weight shift and compression line can be a bit difficult to learn by reading this post.
So make sure you watch this video to see the moves in action.
Hit it high to ride the wind for more distance...
And hit it low to avoid the wind when it's in your face.
Golf Pros Featured:
Instructors Featured: Clay Ballard
Video Duration: 5:56
Watch This Video Now!
Normally, this video in our step-by-step, course-based training is only available to our All Access Members...
But I'll let you watch this ONE video today only... because I can already tell I'm going to like you !
Video Transcription:
Hey guys, great to have you here today. In this video we’re going to talk about how to adjust hitting it higher or lower with your weight shift.
This is something that people struggle with a lot of times, how do I shift my weight in golf. I’m going to go over a good overview of what you want to do to shift your weight, when you want to start shifting your weight to the left side.
Then if I’m going to hit a low shot, how does that need to differ from when I’m hitting a high shot?
If I’m going to bomb the ball like a Bubba Watson, I’m going to get that driver to launch really high and just crush it 350 yards, I need to launch it high and let it ride up in the air.
If I’m going to hit a low shot, more penetrating, imagine there’s wind back in your face, and I’m going to have it penetrate through the wind, how do I need to do that a little bit differently?
This is going to apply for every club in the bag. Whether you’re hitting a 6 iron like I am here today, whether you’re hitting a driver, you’re going to do the exact same thing.
With a low penetrating shot, if you can imagine something that we talk about is what we call the compression line in our Top Speed Golf System. What this means is, as I come down to impact, if I want to get that nice clean divot in front of the golf ball.
I want to have everything to where it’s releasing right in front of that golf ball, I need to have my left ankle, my left hip, and my left shoulder socket all lined up and slightly tilted away from the target.
If this is a vertical line, then we would have slightly tilted back, and that’s all on a straight line, slightly away from the target. That’s going to give me my normal ball flight.
If I want to have a lower ball flight, I’ll get what’s called a little bit more stacked on top of the ball.
Imagine I’m going to hit the old Tiger Woods stinger 2 iron, well I’m going to get a little bit more stacked to where now this is vertical or I could even be just a couple degrees in front of vertical to really hit that low penetrating shot.
That wouldn’t be what you’d want to do for all your shots, but it’s not bad for this kind of thing when you’re wanting to hit it low.
This swing, I’m going to go ahead and try to hit a low one here, I’ve got my radar out, we’ll go ahead and look at the numbers on FlightScope here in a second. Let’s go ahead and try this low penetrating shot.
I’m going to feel like as I shift to the left, my left shoulder gets all the way in front of my left ankle. Then I’m going to hit down and through this ball, basically a low bullet for a 6 iron.
There we go, that was really low. I feel like I got up there on my front foot. My weight shifted, I felt like all the pressure was on, kind of on the outside of my left foot. I really was able to hit that thing really, really low.
If we look at the numbers here, we’re looking at the total height was only 66 feet, that’s really low for a 6 iron. 93 miles an hour club head speed, 177 carry, so this isn’t going to get maximum carry distance, this is going to land a little sooner, but it’s really going to take off.
192 yards of after the roll out. That’s low penetrating shot, 6,100 RPMs of spin, that’s pretty low for a 6 iron. Like I said, 66 total feet of height, so that’s the maximum height that ball got.
Now let’s go ahead and what I’m going to feel like, is I’m going to go on the other end of the spectrum. That was my left ankle, my left hip, and my left shoulder stacked up on top of each other, leaning to the left.
My normal one, like we talk about in the Top Speed Golf System, I actually have a whole series of videos, walks you through exactly how to get this lined up for good shots, is going to be basically tilted slightly away.
On this one, I’m going to tilt even more away, so my ankle, hip, and shoulder are going to be leaning back away from the target more.
That’s what you see guys like Bubba Watson, long drivers, doing when they’re trying to get maximum distance, and really get that ball to launch higher. As I start to tilt my body back, that’s going to raise the launch angle of my golf ball.
No matter what I’m doing, here’s a key component of this. You don’t want to get hip pain in golf. You don’t want to feel like you’re putting a lot of strain on your hip.
If I feel like I get my weight going to the left, and I let my hip bump out in front, that’s going to have a lot of pain on your left hip. No matter if I’m trying to hit it low, high, or in between, I want to have my ankle, my hip, and my shoulder all lined up in a straight line.
This one, what I’m going to do is I’m going to have a little bit more weight on my right side, I’m going to feel like here on the first one you can feel like your belt buckle gets in front of the golf ball.
Here, I’m going to feel like my belt buckle stays behind the golf ball as I rotate open, and I’m going to launch this thing really, really high. Let’s go ahead and try it out.
There we go, I really tried to exaggerate that one. That one went a mile in the air, just straight up, really, really high. I’m guessing that went well over 100 feet. Swing speed, 96.7, so almost exactly the same. Last one was 95, I believe.
Carry distance was a little farther, this one was 182 because I got that ball to really launch. If I’d hit the correct, the normal trajectory, it actually would have probably been the farthest today, since there’s no wind out here.
Vertical launch of 17, that’s pretty high for a 6 iron. Hit it a little low on the face, so it didn’t really get as high as it could have, actually. Total height 119.8, so that ball went basically twice as high as the first one.
The key thing there was on the first one, my belt buckle got in front of the golf ball. My ankle, hip, shoulder, were leaning forward.
On the second one, my belt buckle felt like – this is the feeling, not exactly what’s going to happen – but my belt buckle felt like I stayed behind the golf ball. Ankle, hip, and shoulder were still on a line, but tilted away from the target.
Go out to the range and practice this, I want you to hit nine shots. The first one I want you to go ahead and hit nice and low, see how low you can get that ball to go. It’s a full swing, I don’t want you to do a punt shot where we just go like this.
I want to go ahead and swing all the way on through the shot, make a good, full swing. Do one normal height, and then one very high.
Go through that three times, you’re going to get control of your ball flight. That’s really going to help you on those down wind holes, launch the ball high, let it ride the wind.
On the end of the wind holes, keep it low, under the wind, and get it penetrating. It’s going to help you to have a lot more control of your golf game.