Why You Need This: Today, you'll discover "Consistent Ball Striking Has Never Been So Easy | Try This!"
In today's lesson...
...discover the two MUSTS if you want to be a consistent golfer!
Including the hip secret most don't realize that ties everything together!
Golf Pros Featured:
Instructors Featured: Clay Ballard
Video Duration: 11:16
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Video Transcription:
All right. So if you want to be a consistent golfer, there's two things that have to happen. I'm going to get to the second one, which is a secret that most people don't realize is so closely related to this.
But number one is I have to be able to hit the golf ball first and then come down and take a divot in front of the golf ball right here like I did on this mat. Now, I'll get to later in this video, why as you just do this one piece, if you just focus on hitting in front, you're probably hit some pretty bad shots.
But I'll get to that here in a second.
Let's first get the divot.
Front and then let's add the secret piece that's going to tie it all together. So how do we get the divot in front? It comes down to your weight shift. What happens in a golf swing as my weight shifts to the right in the back swing and then as I'm in my transition, my weight shifts to the left and then I make my downswing as I get my weight over my lead foot. I get my hands in front of the clubhead has an impact. Then I can hit the ball first and then come down and hit the ground. And if I can do that, every single time, that's really half the battle.
If you can do that with a nice straight shot shape or even a little bit of a draw.
Which we'll get to in the second half, that's the full picture. You're going to play some pretty drag on good golf If you can do nothing else but those two things. All right. So let's jump into progression here to teach us how to do this. Now, here I have this divot board.
The little yellow dot in the middle. We're going to pretend like that's the ball placement. And I'm going to put it in the middle of my stance when we're playing any iron off the ground basically. Now, from there, I'm going to go out and shift my weight to my lead foot.
I'm going to let my right foot drop back until it's about in line with the heel of my left foot. If I'm looking from down the line this way and it's barely going to be resting on the ground.
It may even be angled in this way and just kind of barely sitting on the ground.
In my weight should feel like it's centered over the middle of my foot. On my left foot. So I don't want to go way up on the toe this way. I don't want to go way back on the heel like this.
And the foot's rounding out. I just want to feel like I'm centered.
Right through the center of my foot.
That's going to make it almost impossible to do anything that make contact in front of this yellow dot. Now, as I make some swings here, you can see that right away my divot ends up being two three inches in front of the golf ball. And it's almost impossible to do anything about that.
Now, if you're not getting that divot in front, so if you're using this divot board and the marks end up doing something like this, even when you do this drill.
And they end up at the golf ball or even behind the golf ball, that has to do with that right hand.
Kind of pushing and flipping, trying to take over. Now, a lot of times that's in an effort to get more power so training it to be leading in front.
Sometimes feels powerful. But when you see the ball fly, it actually goes a lot farther. So here's a solution to that same drill. Middle of the stance with the golf ball with drop a right foot back, white centered over the left. Now take just the right hand only. Now, what I want you to focus on is a little bit of shaft lean.
I want you to feel like if you have this divot board you put the club head on the golf ball and you put the right hand all the way up here to where my hand would be over the front of this board. That's a little bit of an exaggeration that I like to do that to start.
And then from there, I'm simply going to rotate back, keeping that same angle in my wrist. So I have an angle in the back of my wrist. I keep that angles. I rotate back.
As I rotate through I feel like I keep that angle as I'm going through. Now, when you start to swing with more speed, that angle will release after impact, which is totally fine, but you don't need to feel that that'll happen all on its own as you add some swing speed. So here on the ball and in front, and then I feel like I'm rotating my body, keeping that angle the entire time. And you'll see right away that just guarantees that you get that divot in front probably four or five inches in front, which would be a bit to the extreme.
But that's exactly how I want you to practice it. If we get too far in front.
We can always move it back very, very easily.
Now, do a few swings like that. And then once you get comfortable, do it with both hands.
Same angle on the right wrist.
Back and through, and repeat that until you get a good 15 or 20.
Making sure that you get the divot in front. Now, what we're going to do is we're going.
To add the right foot with a small tweak. I want to take a golf ball. And as I set up to this, I'm going to put that golf ball on the outside of my right foot so that almost if this is my right foot on the ground.
It kind of angles the foot in. I like to put it kind of on the ball of the foot up here so that it's easy to feel like you're going off that foot. And that's exactly what you should feel like in the swing. So as I set up.
To this board now.
My foot angled in, my weight.
Starts on my right.
Side, but it helps me to push off that right side and get my weight balanced on my left. Just like we worked on. And when you put that together with the wrist angle, again, the divot gets.
Way in front So don't be afraid to overexaggerate that.
I want you to use this.
And feel like you keep all the divots. If you see these two yellow lines that are on there, keep all of the divots in.
Of those two yellow lines for now. And as we start to add some speed, you'll see right away that that'll start to move back Now, here's the deal. This is not going to work. You're going to hit.
Shots if that's all you do. And the reason is, is that most.
Players are already.
A little bit steep in their downswing, meaning that the shaft.
Is too vertical and they're already.
Swinging a little bit too far to the left with your path Most players don't.
The golf ball.
If you already overdraw it. You're one of the rare few that overdraw.
As a golf ball every time. You probably don't have to make this adjustment but I bet if you're watching this, that's probably not you. You probably don't hit a 15 or 20 yard draw every single time. So what ends up happening is if I'm already a little steep, if I'm already swinging a little bit too much to the left, getting my.
Weight more left.
And feeling like I hit down more gets me even steeper and more over the top, and I end up hitting this big banana slice. So that will look something like this.
If I'm already a little bit steep.
I'm setting my weight to the left, I'm getting my weight shift and.
That divot in front like we just worked.
On and all of a sudden I slice across it, that ball bleeds.
Off to the right.
Doesn't go very far. And if you look at this.
Divot board.
Again, it gives you instant feedback. Notice how the angle of the divot is going to the left. If I put my club down the direction that.
This is traced.
You'll see that my path is.
Going this direction.
So what we need to do is get the path.
More to the right.
And that's when you can start.
To hit some really great shots.
So we've got to hit the.
Divot in front.
Like I did there. But we got to get the path a.
Little bit more to the right.
Now, the secret to this is in the hips. Most people try to swing the.
Club out or swing their arms more to the right.
But if your hips are in the way, it's never going to happen. So here's what I mean by that. If I set up to this divot board and all of a sudden my hips are bumped like this, or my spine angle is kind of leaning.
This direction if I try to swing to the right.
So it's almost.
Like a little reverse pivot.
Here. If I get this way, if.
I try.
To swing.
Out to the right.
With my hands and arms, there's no chance because my hips.
Are in the.
Way, I'd have to hit myself in the right hip. Here's the secret to it. You want to feel like your hips are bumped toward the target and almost a little bit close. So if I put a club on my belt buckle here, I would have my belt or my hips pointing a.
Little bit more toward the right, like almost the right side of the green or the right side of the fairway.
You'll notice how that almost presets my head a little back behind the golf ball.
And it starts to clear out a bunch of room.
In here to where I can swing inside out. Now, if you pair.
That with the drills that we just worked on.
It's easy to get the.
Divot in front.
And get that path inside out. So if I do that, I'm gonna go ahead, but my hips close them a little bit. I've got a lot of space in here. And again, I'm going to get my weight to the left, swing out to the right. And now all of a sudden, I exaggerated there for the camera. But you can see the path of the the divot was inside out.
It wasn't chopping down.
Over and across.
So I'd like for you again, do a handful.
Of reps like.
That until you get the the feel of exaggerating it and then you can tone it down. Now, you don't have to have one of these.
Divot board training.
Aides to make this work. If you just pay attention to your divots, Mark, where your golf ball.
Is, if you're outside on grass, you can.
Make that happen. I love this one.
Because you can sit right in your living.
Room and get better.
At these things that we're talking.
About. Now, I'll put a link down below this video in the description.
Or lower on this.
Page. And if you want to click that link, you get a.
Special price.
On this divot
And it also helps to support the channel. They give us a few bucks for everyone to sell. And Beau Longo, the.
Owner of these boards.
Just a super nice guy a.
World class professional person, does.
A bang up job. So it helps him, helps us to.
Create more great videos.
Here. And it's going to help your golf game because it gives you that instant feedback. But again, you don't have to have this. You're just going to improve faster if you do have one of these. Now, there is one final piece of this you see, a lot of times we can get our weight to the left that gets the divot in front.
That's fantastic. We all know that's great. We get our hips in a good position, which is basically just the stable, fluid spine like we talk about is one of the five real fundamentals of the top speed golf system. But we're not used to staying down in our posture and we're not used to shallowing out this club. So we do all.
These things right.
But at the last second, we stand up out.
Of our posture, we flip.
The club, and all this good work that we've done kind of goes out the window Well, I have the.
Perfect course.
That's going to get you immediate results in just one.
Single rain session.
That's going to fix all of that. And it's called the 20 minute shallowing fix now in that I'm going to teach.
You your natural elbow.
Positions, and that's going to unlock just a movement that you already know that keeps you in your posture. So when you make this swing, we get our get hip position, we get our good weight shift, and then you tap into something that.
You already.
Know how to do and do well that allows you to shallow at this club from the inside and better than that.
Stay in your posture.
All the way through contact. And if you can do those three things, get the divot in front, get a nice.
Tight draw.
And shallow out the club, it's going to be hard to beat you. You can play some pretty drag on good golf. So what I want you to do, if you remember a top speed golf is go to the instruction tab, go the top speed golf system and check out the 20 minute shallowing
fix right now.
And pay.
Attention to.
The first drill.
Which makes all the difference.
In the world.
I'll teach you how to do something with the clubface that is going to allow you to get that.
Elbow position that I talked about here in this video. So go to the training that's.
Shallowing fix right now.
And in one.
Single range session.
You can tie it all in together. You can shallow out the club.
Stay in your posture, have great lag.
Get the.
Divot in front.
All these things that you've been wanting to do for years, they can all be unlocked in this one single thing. So I can't wait to see you in the 20 minutes shallowing fix.
Let's go there right now.
Stay in your posture.
All the way through contact. And if you can do those three things, get the divot in front, get a nice.
Tight draw.
And shallow out the club, it's going to be hard to beat you. You can play some pretty drag on good golf. So what I want you to do, if you remember a top speed golf is go to the instruction tab, go the top speed golf system and check out the 20 minute shallowing
fix right now.
And pay.
Attention to.
The first drill.
Which makes all the difference.
In the world.
I'll teach you how to do something with the clubface that is going to allow you to get that.
Elbow position that I talked about here in this video. So go to the training that's.
Shallowing fix right now.
And in one.
Single range session.
You can tie it all in together. You can shallow out the club.
Stay in your posture, have great lag.
Get the.
Divot in front.
All these things that you've been wanting to do for years, they can all be unlocked in this one single thing. So I can't wait to see you in the 20 minutes shallowing fix.
Let's go there right now.