In this video, you’ll discover how to hit flush golf shots.
If you’re struggling with occasionally chunking or topping the ball…
…then this is a fantastic video for you.
You’ll get a great drill that’ll help you hit those pure, flush shots that’ll drop your scores…
And, more importantly, get you to enjoy golf a heckuva lot more!
This video starts by reviewing the primary reasons that cause chunking and topping…
And later focuses on how your wrists are vital to great compression.
Next, you’ll see some great drills to help fix your swing.
You’ll start to bow your wrists and get tons of forward shaft lean.
Plus you’ll get the Left Arm Tee drill…
And start ingraining the wrist movements.
Last, I’ll give you new ways to use the Impact Snap training aid.
Watch this video now to hit clean, compressed shots…
…just like Tour players!
What's Covered: Drills to train your left arm coordination
Golf Pros Featured:
Instructors Featured: Clay Ballard
Video Duration: 5:48
Watch This Video Now!
Normally, this video in our step-by-step, course-based training is only available to our All Access Members...
But I'll let you watch this ONE video today only... because I can already tell I'm going to like you !
Video Transcription:
Hi guys, hey and welcome back. I’ve got a great drill for you to continue to work on this if you’re still struggling with chunking, struggling with toping the ball.
This is going to be a great one to really come down and compress, just like we see with the greatest tour pros out there that are hitting those nice, clean divots in front of the ball every single time. A lot of this comes down to how we use our left wrist, and how we use our right wrist through contact.
So I’m going to build on the videos that we did in the past here, and let’s imagine I’m setting up to this golf ball. You can ignore these tees for now, we’ll get to that here in a second. I’m going to set up to this golf ball.
If I have that reverse pivot, if I have that grounding out behind the ball, what’s happening here is again, we have that sway to the right. We’re falling back away and then we end up flipping with our hands and what happens is we have kind of a U-shaped divot into the ground.
The bottom of our arc is behind the ball, and then we’re coming up into the ball. So what’s happening here is we can imagine this club swinging kind of like a pendulum, the bottom of the arc is here and then our club is moving up as it actually contacts the ball, so grounding out behind the ball.
Coming up we either hit the top of the ball and we top it, or we hit a little bit of a ground back here because this is our low point, and the we chunk the golf ball. So we’ve got to use these hands correctly to get that contact correct coming through there.
In the last video we talked about what I call impact glide. So instead of this U-type shape where there’s a low point behind the ball and then we’re coming up into the ball, what we’d like to see is as we make the downswing, I want to go with just my left arm only.
This is shallowing out like we talked about in The Move series, left wrist is bowing, and now as I’m coming through here, my hands are at the lowest point kind of around this right thigh area. Then what’s happening is my grip end, the butt end of the club is actually moving up as my club continues down.
That’s going to allow me to come down and contact this golf ball nice and clean, shallow divot, and as my hands continue to turn up, this grip end turns up, I have a very long area through there where I can make contact with the ball and it’s still pretty flat.
So if we can imagine this, let’s say that this is our golf ball. Let’s actually say in the middle of the arm is the golf ball. My club has some forward shaft lean as the butt end of the club actually turns up, the bottom of the club is moving level with the ground.
That’s that impact glide, and that all comes down to the left wrist there. So now I’ve got some drills for you that are really going to help you to ingrain this. Let’s take back out our impact snap, awesome little training aid here.
Let’s just work on this with the left arm after we do a few reps, so I’m going to go ahead and start here. I’m going to get this again, that golf ball touching the inside of my forearm as I’m coming into contact. So there, there’s the right way. So you can see that golf ball is on the inside of my forearm.
If I do this incorrectly and I get that flip, my left wrist broke down, my right wrist flipped, my right wrist is taking over, I’m getting that U-shape instead of the flat glide, and now you’ll see this ball way out here. So this is the flip, and this is the correct motion. You can see that this is nice and bowed.
So as I’m coming through contact, that’s bowing down, I’m coming through the shot and then everything’s coming on through after that. So if I do a few more reps wit this, there we go, notice how that left wrist is nice and bowed as I’m doing that.
I want you to start out again, another 50 to 100 reps for those of you who are casting, hitting behind the golf ball, getting that divot out in front is going to be crucial to get used to this left wrist really bowing down, releasing that club into the straight line release this way.
Once we’ve done the reps with this, now let’s go ahead and just take the club with our left hand. Now we can go ahead and choke up a good five or six inches on this club.
I’m going to put my right hand behind my back, and I’m just going to make some swings where I’m getting that same position with my left wrist, nice and bowed, forward shaft lean, and I’m coming down and through the shot.
So I’ve set up some tees here to where just a few in a row, and I’m going to practice imagining this is my golf ball, just with my left arm only, I’m going to let that bow and I’m going to clip that tee right out of the ground.
So again, I hit the tee, go a little bit harder so I can get it out of there, and I see that that divot is out in front. I’m going to do the same thing with the next tee. I’m picking those out of the ground, those are perfect. You can just keep on swinging until the tee pops right up.
Those are great, I’m hitting down and through, you see all the divots are in front of these tees. One more, there we go, nice and down and through. Let’s get that one out of the way. So we’re going to work through about another 50 to 100 reps clipping those tees.
As I’m doing that, again, that impact glide is happening, I’m letting that left wrist stay nice and bowed coming through the shot. Then finally, I’m going to go ahead and set this ball on a small tee, and I’m putting several tees out in front.
I’m going to visualize now this bowing action. This wrist is bowing down, that club is coming down with that impact glide going through the golf ball.
Again, I have the sensation that I have as I contact the golf ball, it’s going to be stuck to the face as I come through the shot there. Almost like it’s sticking to the face a good five or six inches after contact. I know that’s not actually happening, that’s the sensation that you’re going to get.
I’ve got these tees set up out in front, and I’m going to hit this golf ball and then clip through all three of those golf tees, because my left wrist is working down and through – excuse me, up and through – so bowing as it’s coming through there, and that’s allowing the club to work down and through.
Again, do the reps, clip the tees out of the ground, go ahead and set up the golf ball three tees in front, and I’m going to clip them all right out of there. There we go, so knocked over all the tees, broke a couple, one or two of them flew out of there.
Work on that drill, it’s really going to help you to ingrain this left wrist, get rid of that right wrist flip, you’re going to feel so much better hitting those really clean, compressed shots. So good luck to you guys, I’ll see you all soon.