In this video, “Stable Fluid Spine | Golf Setup Trick (Get the Perfect Spine Angle Every Time)”…
You’re going to discover a little secret of mine!
This trick allows you to get the perfect “spine tilt” address.
But first, you’ve gotta understand the difference between “spine tilt” and “shoulder tilt”…
The key here is to set up a camera and record yourself so you’re able to make sure that there isn’t shoulder tilt that will offset the spine tilt…
I know this seems kind-of confusing and complicated, but I can’t stress how important it is to understand the difference between the spin tilt and shoulder tilt…
Watch this video to make sure you get it right every time!
What's Covered: Showing the difference in spine angles within various stances as they make the shoulders move pertaining to a good swing and follow through.
Golf Pros Featured:
Instructors Featured: Clay Ballard
Video Duration: 3:48
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Normally, this video in our step-by-step, course-based training is only available to our All Access Members...
But I'll let you watch this ONE video today only... because I can already tell I'm going to like you !
Video Transcription:
Hi guys, and welcome back. I’ve got a great video for you all today, maybe you don’t have a camera with you, but you still want to get that perfect spine tilt at address, I’m going to show you exactly how to do that.
First let’s talk about the difference between having spine tilt and shoulder tilt. So sometimes I’ll see people that set up to the ball and their spine, so basically we can measure this by going from our belt buckle up to the center of our sternum, their spine will actually be straight up and down or even tilted a little bit to the left.
But the shoulders will be tilted to the right. So let me explain what this means.
So here, you can see that my spine is basically straight up and down, I don’t have enough spine tilt. But I can take my shoulders, and I can still tilt my shoulders where they’re going to the right like this.
A lot of times people mistake this for having spine tilt even though we can see this is straight up and down, and my shoulders are tilted to the right. We want to make sure that we can do this correctly, and that’s why you want to check on camera.
No substitute from getting the camera out, getting your phone, your iPad, whatever camera you want to use and looking to make sure that those angles are correct.
But I’ve got a great trick for you today that’s going to help you to get in the right spot of regardless of whether you have a camera when you’re out practicing.
First, let’s lose the clubs here and basically if I took my hands and I put them together to make kind of a triangle between my shoulders, this would be me just vertical, straight up and down.
So my hands, my belt buckle, and my sternum would all be in one vertical straight line.
Now if I just tilt my shoulders, what’s going to happen is now my hands are moved up in front, you can see that my hands are here, my belt buckle’s still back here, and my sternum is here.
So now I’ve got this weird kind of angled line. What I want to do, is I want to tilt everything forward until now my hands are pointing just to the inside of my left foot, and that’s in line with my belt buckle.
So when I’m looking down from my perspective, I see hands, belt buckle, sternum, all one straight angled line slightly back.
Then from there, I’m going to let my right fingers drop down just about an inch and a half to two inches below my left finger, so you can see my right-hand fingers are a little bit lower than my left hand. That’s because my right hand is lower on the club.
So again, I’m going to be setting up here completely straight up and down. I’m going to bump my hips a little forward, my upper body tilts back slightly, and I’m going to keep my hands until they’re pointing just down the left inside part of my left leg.
So now I have hands, belt buckle, sternum, and I’m going to let my right hand drop down just a little bit lower than my left hand.
Now if I take my grip, I’d be basically in perfect posture here, perfect spine tilt. If I grab a club and recreate the same thing, we’re going to see this is the right amount of spine tilt, so I have hands, belt buckle, sternum all tilted away.
So if I was to do this incorrectly, and I didn’t have enough tilt, I might be something like this, and now my belt buckle and my sternum aren’t angled over here to my left foot, or I might be doing this where now my hands and my sternum are angled away, but my belt buckle’s behind.
Any of those are not correct, I’ve got to get that straight line angled away with all three of those pieces.
You do that, you’re going to get set up properly, you’re going to be more consistent, and you’re going to hit the ball a lot more solid.
Good luck to you guys, I’ll see you all soon.
All right, before I leave I want you guys to ingrain this. Go ahead and do 50 reps just with your hands, no club. Then go ahead and add the club and do 50 reps making some swings.
Then you guys can go ahead after you’ve done those 100 reps and take it out to the course.
I want to show you one where I’m going ahead and making a full swing, and I can see from here that as I set up I’m getting a little tilt with my upper body, those hands are slightly in front, and now I can see all that’s lined up perfectly. I’m ready to make a nice consistent swing.
There we go, right down the middle, that was so good!
Good luck to your guys, I’ll see you soon.