The triceps muscles will be vital in releasing the built up speed in the right arm and let go of all of those angle in the swing. This video will help you key in the proper muscles to help your students release the golf club.
What's Covered: How to use the triceps in the golf swing.
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Video Duration: 1:24
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Hi guys, welcome back. In this video we’re going to talk about our triceps. Our tricep is located on the back of our arm, it’s actually one of the bigger muscles in our arms, so it’s a pretty strong muscle.
This is going to help to get some leverage in the swing and to actually release the club. So when our arm is bent, when our tricep contracts it extends our right arm, specially. Our left arm is going to be pretty straight, so we’re not using the tricep in the left arm very much.
But in the right arm as we go to the top of the swing there’s going to be a little bend in the right arm. As we come down we’re maintaining this bend in the right arm, and the our tricep is going to fire to extend the right arm as we come into the straight line release.
That’s going to get a little bit more power in there, and help us to really throw the club and get the speed from the club head.
So maybe if you have somebody that is trying to hold on to the club, and they’re just dragging everything on through, they’ve got this arm kind of jammed into their body and they’re just pulling the club on through, really never using their right arm to throw the club.
You may have them feel their tricep, feel that extended and flexing of the tricep, and then show them that they’re going to be releasing that into the straight line release in front.
Once they feel that a few times, they can start to throw the club. That’s going to help them to decrease the amount of time it takes them to feel the release, and really get them to release that club with a lot more power.
Good luck to you guys, I’ll see you all soon.