Today you’ll get “Massive Golf Driver Distance Keys”
Do you ever feel cramped as you’re coming into impact with the golf ball?
You know, it just feels awkward…
…like you may be too close to the ball.
Bottom line, there’s just not enough room to get through the impact zone without compensating in some way.
So what do you end up doing?
Maybe you bend your lead elbow to make some extra room and end up with a “chicken wing” as you come through impact?
You might stand up and flip the club forward to create some extra space?
There’s all kinds of little ways your body will sense the need to make extra room…
…but they’re almost never what you’re supposed to be doing.
Well, you may be surprised to know there’s a simple answer to your problems…
…and it all starts with your shoulders (and where you think they need to be at impact).
If you discover where your shoulders are supposed to be at impact…
…you’re going to end up with a lot more space…
…so you won’t feel cramped at impact (and your swing will become more powerful as a result).
So check out today’s video, and start swinging through the impact zone with a LOT more power…