HTI01. 3 Reasons You May Not Be Improving at Golf
In this video, you’ll discover 3 reasons you may not be improving at golf.
This is a very different video than what I normally put out.
Usually, you’ll see drills to build your technique for a better swing.
However, in this video, you’ll learn about the mindset that it takes to really improve your game.
So, if you’re working your tail off day in and day out…
But you’re not getting the results you want…
Then you’ll learn tons in this video including the main 3 reasons you may not be improving at golf…
#1 The missing link
Maybe a long time ago you hit a perfect shot…
And you think to yourself…
“Man, if I hit every shot like that, I’d be shooting in the 60s.”
Well, what happens is that you’ll always be changing things up and searching for that perfect swing that you once had.
One day, you’ll be changing up your stance…
The next day you’ll be altering your takeaway…
On and on.
The problem with that is you’re not focusing on the important fundamentals that’ll actually make you a better golfer.
Stop searching for the missing link!
#2 “I’m going to have a perfect swing, then…”
This is the opposite of searching for the missing link.
This happens when you obsess over every minute detail like practicing 1000s of reps trying to get the perfect takeaway.
Let me tell you…
You don’t need a takeaway that looks exactly like Adam Scott’s or Tiger Woods’ takeaway.
Heck, pros don’t all have the same swing so stop obsessing over the moves that don’t matter.
If you’re spending all your time building what you think the perfect swing looks like…
…then you’re spending less time on the important moves.
Instead of laboring over the perfect takeaway…
Spend your time practicing draw and fade shots.
That makes more sense than spending all your time trying to look good.
#3 One tool in the toolbox
This is when you rely on one shot.
Let’s say you can draw the ball really well, but you stink at hitting fades.
Don’t just sit back and accept that all you can do is hit a draw.
It’s nice to have one great shot you can rely on…
But you need to start working on your other shots to take your game to the next level.
Work on your fade shots…
Work on hitting the ball high and low…
Work on a more powerful turn so you can get more distance.
Don’t rely on just one shot.
Put more tools in your toolbox!
Watch this video now to…
find out the 3 reasons you may not be improving at golf!