Why You Need This: Today, you'll discover "How To Consistently Square The Club Face | THE SECRET"
In today's lesson...
You'll discover the secret to using your lead armpit and trail elbow to lock in a square club face at impact...
...and avoid letting your hands and arms take over.
If you struggle starting your ball on target, you're going to love this!
The connection between these two body parts is vital for consistency.
Golf Pros Featured:
Instructors Featured: Clay Ballard
Video Duration: 7:41
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Video Transcription:
Now if you wanna square the face up, you have to be pretty dagg on precise. In fact, if you open it just a few degrees, one way or another, it can be wildly offline. And that happens with being connected and using your upper body and your core the right way. And I'm gonna talk about exactly what I mean.
So many people will tell you, stay connected. What the heck does that even mean? Well, what it doesn't mean if you're not connected, then you're not gonna have the consistency because your hands and arms can move this. So many different ways. Very easily. You have to get your, particularly your left shoulder, left armpit, and your right elbow working the correct way.
And once I do that, then I'm rock solid through contact. Let me walk you through on how to do that so it's not just theory and ideas here. Let's talk about how you actually make this happen. So I have a little Thera band here. These are a couple bucks. You can get 'em on Amazon, doesn't matter the brand.
Whatever you want to do with it's. But I'm gonna wrap this sideways around the club. I'm gonna pull it tight, and then from there I'm gonna wrap it around the face. This is the best way to get your left arm connected the way it's supposed to be in the golf swing. So I'm gonna wrap it around really tight so it'll stay on the head.
And then I'm gonna gonna get a little bit of tension here and tuck it under my left armpit. Now I want a little bit of tension, so if I get unconnected, all of a sudden it flies out. I'm not gonna let it come loose here. But if you, if you basically take some tension off, it shoots outta your. So this will give you immediate feedback on if you're connected the right way.
Now from there, I'm gonna go to address and I'm gonna go to Impact and feel that really nice and tight. Now you see the key here is, now just hold this on my, my other hand is using the left arm the right way. So if I take my left arm and put it in front of me, I can reach it out this way without, so I'm not rotating my body to reach that way.
I'm keeping my. Uh, still, and I'm sliding my scalp across my shoulder. So basically I'm sliding my shoulder, which is called protracting, my shoulder. This will be retracting and protracting. I want it fully protracted in the golf swinging. So basically if I keep my chest or, or another way to do it here, that would be great.
Put your back against the wall, arm forward, and then reach your arm off the walls as far as you can. That's a long left arm, and that's exactly what you want to. Then from there in the golf swing, I'm gonna turn into that. So my body's turning into my left arm and now all of a sudden this has got really tight, especially when I pull it down to the target or pull it down to the golf ball now that it really got tight.
So basically I'm almost turning the logo of my shirt. Into my armpit, and that just really gets cinched up there. Now when you pull this and put it under your arm, you automatically do that. You automatically pull your chest into your armpit or turn your chest in your armpit, cuz if I didn't, if I did the opposite of that, it would fly out.
Okay? So this makes you do it without even having to know what you're doing. Now from there, I'm gonna go ahead and go to my impact position and you'll see how my right heel's coming off the ground a little bit. That helps me rotate in my left. You'll see how I have to stay in my posture if I lose my posture.
All of a sudden it gets difficult to reach it and I'm gonna tend to let out, let a little tension out there. And then finally, my weight is gonna be on my left side. So right heel up, rotate it into my left arm. Weights on my left side. Perfect impact position. Now from there, we're done with this drill training the left arm.
Let's get that right arm rock solid too. Now from here, I almost want to imagine. Like you're gonna give something a karate chop. So usually, you know, chop this way. Imagine you're gonna chop the back of the ball. So if I had this ball on the ground, I'm gonna chop the ball this way and look at my elbow and the inside of my elbow really gets tucked.
That's the exact feeling that you should have when you're coming in impact. So many people do the opposite of that, and they stand up and throw the right arm, and all of a sudden my palm would be this. Versus tucked in that chopping motion, which would be very connected. So I'm rotating into my left arm that gets the tight here and I'm chopping into it.
The whole inside of my forearms should feel like it's going toward the target there. So if I go to impact here and I just pause that same thing, right heel up, body rotated into my left arm really tight here. Right arm is connected and it's almost chopping the inside of the golf ball toward the target.
I just have to turn my hand to get it on the club. That's the position that keeps your face square. That's where you should be at impact. Now you can start out from here and this machine indoors doesn't do a great job of reading these really short ones, but I wanna feel that position. Okay, I'm really connected there.
Face is dead square as this is happening. I'm just, go ahead. A nice little easy shot. There we go. Really connected in here. I feel. Like my armpits are nice and tucked in, but my hands are nice and soft. As I'm doing that now, I'm gonna start out with just little, what feel like 30 and 40 yard shots. I probably hit that one a lot farther.
Yeah, that almost went 80 yards with a nine iron, but then I'll gradually just go a little more and more. But it's right at impact. I'm not so worried about back here or as my fall through. Obviously my armpits are gonna come up. It's just right at impact. Everything is connected. Hands are. And that's keeping that face nice and square as I'm going through there.
So I'll go ahead and pick it up to a little bit fuller speed and I really feel like I get in that position. So just ingrain this, do this 10, 15, 20 times heal up body turns into the left arm. This gets tight, elbow tucked in, and that's a rock solid position where the face is just gonna end up kind of taking care of itself if you do that correctly.
There we go. Another nice little draw. And I feel like I could, once I get that overall pattern down, that I can swing over and over again. I'm gonna have that nice draw every single time.
There we go. Same thing. I feel really like my shoulders and my chest are doing most of the guiding of the face, and then the hands are just staying soft and going along for the ride. Let's give it one more try. There we go. Three in a row. Pretty good with the nine iron there. Nice draw on each one. And again, this is the key.
Almost like you're taking your hands instead of the palms being down and you're tucking your elbows in, putting your hands this way, and then that's the connection that you want to feel that's gonna keep everything solid through there so you don't have to do it all with your hands and wrists to square it up.
Your body's in a good position and it's keeping the club face fairly square. Now, everything we've talked about here is crucial for. So if you want to get this lag, hit the club from the inside. Really have this nice sharp angle. You have to turn into the left side of your body like that. So it's turning into this left arm.
The only way I can turn into left arm if I keep the left arm back. So when you do this, you should feel like your body's opening and your club is lagging behind. That's what the lag comes from. Now, if you remember the top Sweet Golf website, there's a specific drill that I want you to do with this called The Stick Behind the Ball.
So if you go to the instruction tab, top speed golf system, then go to the lag section. Make, make sure you don't skip over the stick behind the ball drill where I talk about what the club should do as you're doing this. You see, cuz if you can keep everything connected there and get the club in the right position, like I'll go over in that video, then you're gonna have the perfect setup and one two punch to kind of always have a ton of lag, hit the ball really nice and solid.
So head over there right now. Check out the stick behind the ball. That'll be a real game changer. You pair that up with what we talked about here today. You're gonna be playing some great golf. Best of luck and I'll see you in that video. Let's go and get started.