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Don’t Want To Own My 20 Minute Distance Fix For LIFE?


FOR $3600 $77


Hi, it’s Clay again... 

I get it... you might not want to own my 20 Minute Distance Fix and have unlimited access FOR LIFE...

There’s another option where you can still use it for ONE FULL YEAR...

And it will cost you less money — PLUS you can watch every other course I’ve ever created.

Here’s the story..

And over the last few years, I’ve put together the best series of courses in the industry — covering every single aspect of the game. 

And I’d like to give you the key to ALL OF IT right now — including access to my 20 Minute Distance Fix program — for over $3500 off (97% discount).

That means way faster results — for EVERY SINGLE skill you need to shoot lower scores... supercharge your confidence... and play the best golf of your life.

Now, the reason I’m giving this to you is because you’ve proven to be a devoted student of the game…

And a customer who’s put their full faith in my 20 Minute Shallowing Fix program…

So I’m giving you a rare opportunity to upgrade your order and get everything you need to drop your handicap by 3... 5... or even 7 plus strokes.

Often in just your very first month. 

There’s A Simple Reason Why
Over 600,000 Golfers Trust Me... 

It’s because my teaching WORKS.

I’ve built one of the leading golf channels on YouTube — not because I’m entertaining...

(Frankly, I wish I were!)

But because my instruction gets to the ROOT CAUSE of every issue you have...

And, more importantly, I help you fix what’s holding you back — quickly and efficiently.

So if you’re tired of wasting hours on end online trying to find an answer for a seemingly never-ending laundry list of mistakes that keep blowing up your rounds…

Only to be left more confused, because the advice never seems to get you the right answer you were hoping for…

Then I suggest you take advantage of the special offer I have for you here…

Upgrade Your Order Now And Get...


FOR 97% OFF — Right Now!

With ALL ACCESS, you get INSTANT access to Top Speed Golf’s entire library of trainings — consisting of over 17 full-length programs taught by ME, along with daily LIVE sessions from my top coach.

In short, ALL ACCESS is the single greatest value in the entire golf industry.

And it’s the result of over 5,100 hours of watching swing footage and more late-night caffeine-induced “aha” moments than I count.

These are ALL my proven techniques that I’ve NEVER released elsewhere.

Seriously, where else can you possibly find something like this?

So don’t click away — or else you’ll miss out on this groundbreaking deal.

But first, let me explain what makes ALL ACCESS so different from ANY other membership or golf library of courses. You get…

Surprising Golf Secrets Designed To Further
Dial In Your Contact, Accuracy, Tempo And More

My distance research also uncovered a little-known link between driving the ball well… and bunker play of all things.

And this link is literally the #1 factor in whether or not your technique is good enough to play well from the sand.

It takes 60 seconds to find out if you already have this bunker advantage in your swing.

And... oddly... zero time to fix it if you don't.

And as if becoming the big hitter in your group and never fearing another bunker shot isn’t enough…

I can also show you how a wrist watch teaches you to dial in your wedges like the pros… and how concrete can fix your putting woes.

But here’s the thing…

You’ll Get A Separate Course Covering Each Of These Breakthroughs: Driving, Bunkers And Wedge Play, Putting, And Many More 

And while I could sell you one of these courses for $200...

Or my Top Speed Golf Wedge and Putting Systems tomorrow…

Or any of my other 14+ courses next week…

I’d really rather avoid all that “nickel and diming.”

Wouldn’t you?

So, instead, I’ve packaged all these courses together. 18 in total, actually.

So you don’t have to sift through 18 other offers to figure out which is best for you.

That’s why I’ve made “All Access” ALL INCLUSIVE — and designed specifically for avid golfers...

Doesn’t matter if you’re young or old, flexible or stiff as a board. 

All Access Membership Makes It Super Easy For You To Unleash Gains You Didn’t Think Existed…

So you get up and down with regularity…

And build a repeatable swing with the Top Speed Golf System’s REAL Fundamentals used by every great player in history…

I also took the best of the best quick win videos from all my courses…

…and put them into what some have called… "The One Week Miracle.”

Now, I simply call it “The Opening Drive” because you’ll want to do this first...

But you just might find the all around gains you can make in only a few days with this 6-step program… miraculous.

The Opening Drive also guarantees you 10-20 more yards off the tee, surprising quick fixes for your short game struggles, and a way to cut up to 5 strokes per round… get this.. without a single second on the practice tee.

And while the Opening Drive may end up being your favorite part of the All Access Membership…

You’re Going to Love The LIVE Demos, Answers AND Support You Receive With Your Membership

You see… Every weekday, you’ll have a Top Speed Golf Certified Instructor standing by on the site to answer your questions... LIVE!

And I want to let you in on a little secret right now – the very same instructor you’ll get to work with during these live Office Hours as we call them… Well, he’s the very first person I go to with any questions or concerns I have about my swing and my game, in general… 

His name is Quentin “Q” Patterson, and he has one of the sharpest golf minds I’ve come across in my entire career.

Every weekday my right-hand man will answer any questions you've got!

And he’s now at YOUR service, 5 days per week. 

As one of our All Access Members, Jim, told us…

“You seem to have a video that always answers my current question. If not, I… use Office Hours. I have never felt any of my questions have been left unanswered.”

And that’s the goal!

But it doesn’t stop there.

I wanted to make ALL ACCESS the single most transformative program in the entire golf industry. 

Here’s Every Program You Get As Part Of ALL ACCESS When You Upgrade Your Order TODAY

Just look at all of the courses you’ll have INSTANT ACCESS to — starting today: 


included in all access membership

20 Minute Distance Fix

Value: $200

Full Video Course

Increase your swing speed in a matter of days... so you never have those rounds where you hit one short, weak drive and you lose your confidence and then have to suffer through all the remaining holes.

You will add 20-40 yards of accurate distance without any strength training or stretching… my pilot group added an average of 34.5 yards to their best drives… with 86% of those who completed the program reporting equal or greater accuracy than before!

I've recorded this entire 20 Minute Distance Fix and put it into short bite size lessons where you’ll learn:

  • A drill used on the PGA Tour called the “Grip Ripper.” I guarantee you haven’t seen this anywhere but it provides big results.
  • The distance delusion that has spread like a virus, scaring players into swinging like the wimpy kid on a playground. (This one personally robbed me of 20-25 yards thwarting my efforts to make the Tour.)
  • The easiest way to unlock “cheats” if you’re not as flexible or as athletic as you once were. (Be prepared to regain that lost power in a hurry!)

Included In All Access Membership
Included In All Access Membership
Included In All Access Membership

The Top Speed Golf System

Value: $1000

5 Courses Inside

Now we come to the heart and soul of my instruction. I spent several thousand hours poring over film from the greatest golfers of all time and discovered there are five – and only five – swing moves all these players have in common.

These are the 5 REAL Fundamentals of the golf swing, and you’ll get access to a course for each:

Stable & Fluid Spine

  • The #1 key to consistent contact in your golf swing (this fixes reverse pivots, swaying, and more).

Power Turn

  • How to make simple tweaks to your swing to add or regain rotation required for a modern, powerful swing (works wonders for golfers of all ages, especially those who are stiff-as-a-board).

Top Speed Lag

  • How something called the “stretch shortening cycle” adds tremendous lag (boosting not only distance but also consistency).

Compression Line

  • The hidden angle at impact that fixes sliding and swinging over the top… while unleashing the power of the legs (so you can whip the club like a clothes hanger)!

Straight-Line Release

  • How to sync up your entire swing (fixes casting/scooping/flipping by FORCING your hands ahead of the ball at impact).

Included In All Access Membership

Top Speed Golf Wedge and Bunker System

Value: $200

Full Wedge System

Whether you've got to get up-and-down to save par from the bunker, your wedge shot needs to spin like crazy to check up in “gimmie” range, or you're facing a 50-yard approach on an easy par 5… you'll have all the shots covered when you're finished with this course.

  • The little-known link between jaw dropping drives… and bunker play. (This ONE THING determines if your technique’s good enough to ever play well from the sand.)
  • How to pair a piece of tape with a cheap wrist watch to dial in your wedges (hint: the watch is NOT for timing and rhythm… though, you’ll get a simple verbal cue for that, too).
  • How to hit the magical 40-degree “ultimate grab” angle with a simple right palm hack.

Included In All Access Membership

Top Speed Golf Putting System

Value: $200

Full Putting System

There are a million little things you could focus on when it comes to putting. In this course, I’ve boiled it down to the only 6 that really matter if you want to be known as “Mr. Clutch” on the greens.

  • The surprising way concrete mixes with your feet, knees, and belt buckle for more 1-putt greens (and no, you don’t need to buy any Quikrete).
  • What you’re way too focused on when putting (and how that’s costing you easy strokes).
  • Whether your choice of putting stroke – straight back and straight through, slightly arcing, or inside-out – has destined you to failure.

Included In All Access Membership

The Opening Drive (a.k.a. “The One Week Miracle”)

Value: $200

4 Quick Wins Inside

There are only a handful of places where recreational golfers lose LOTS of strokes that can also be fixed lightning fast. That’s what you’ll find here in your first All Access Membership course.

I hand selected these videos from various courses and created one series that guarantees you BIG, QUICK WINS fast (like “before-your-next-round fast”)! It’s as simple as this:

  • Add 15.6 Yards in Only 20 Minutes!
  • Shallow the Club & Hit the Most Solid Shots of Your Life in a Single Practice Session!
  • Eliminate Chunked & Thinned Chips and Pitches
  • Drop up to 5 Strokes (Without Even One Second of Practice)

Included In All Access Membership

9 Additional BONUS Courses

Value: $1800

9 Courses Inside

  • Stop Standing Up: Stay down and through your shots instead of “early extending.”
  • Never Slice Again: Eliminate the Dreaded "Banana Ball" Forever.
  • Stop Chunking & Topping: Avoid these embarrassing score killers.
  • Never Hook Again: Conquer golf’s scariest shot.
  • Play Your Best Golf After 50: Discover simple tweaks and actually defeat “father time.”
  • Secret Science to Improve Faster: Unlock 10x faster progress with recent breakthroughs.
  • Chipping Mastery: Get up and down with ease.
  • Golf Fitness with Joe Yoon: Grab a “cold one” and get in golf shape (seriously!).
  • Master the Mental Game: Drop strokes with simple tips from a renowned sports psychologist.
  • Indoor Impact Sequence: Never let weather sideline you again.

Included In All Access Membership

Office Hours

Value: $4000+

1 Hour Each Week Day

No All Access Member golfs alone… including me!

I go to Top Speed Golf Certified Instructor, Quentin “Q” Patterson, with any questions or concerns I have about my swing and my game… and now, every weekday, Q’s standing by for an entire hour to answer YOUR questions (LIVE)!

Over a year's time, that's more than $20,000 worth of help available to you! Heck, when you ask Q just one question per month… you’ll easily pay for your entire All Access Membership with this service alone!

Total Value : $3600

Get 1 Year of Unlimited Access On all your Devices For Only $77

Save over 97% with this offer!

And it comes with my full, 365-day, 100% money-back guarantee.
If you don't agree All Access Membership is worth every penny and more we'll refund your entire purchase price.

But here’s the thing… it only takes one of them to resonate with you… and send your improvement into warp drive!

The only catch? 

This 97% OFF Deal Is Available ONLY Because You Said “Yes” To My 20 Minute Shallowing Fix

You’ll get access to everything I’ve told you about here:

The miraculous Opening Drive…

The Top Speed Golf System…

The short game discoveries…

The live Office Hours with my right-hand man…

Plus all of the other programs above...

And you aren’t going to have to pay the typical $200 per course.

Not even $100 or $50 per course.

Instead, I’m letting you have my entire All Access Membership…

Just $77 Annually — With The
Ability To Easily Cancel, Anytime 

That’s literally only a few bucks per course.

So you’re getting an insane discount of well over 97% off today!

And that’s not even factoring in the live Office Hours with one of the smartest instructors in the world.

Heck, if you asked him just one question per month… you’d easily pay for your entire membership with that service alone!

Now, I know it’s a lot to take in and it may sound too good to be true…

But I haven’t even gotten to the best part... 

I’m Not Even Asking You To
Make A Buying Decision Today

Just say “maybe.”

Because all I’m really asking you to do is take the entire All Access Membership for a spin.

And in the highly unlikely event you’re not absolutely thrilled...

If you don’t notice measurable improvement in ANY area of your game you’re struggling with...

And if you somehow don’t shoot lower scores, while enjoying the game a LOT more...

Then simply just email for a quick, no-questions-asked refund.

You can do that at any time in your first year.

That’s right, if you want, you can take up to 364 days to evaluate this exclusive offer before ever having to make a decision about it. 

That’s The Most Generous Guarantee In the Entire Industry 

And it’s because I’m THAT confident in everything I teach... and all the value we overdeliver on within ALL ACCESS.

Heck, you could sign up for this right now… use every single program AND the LIVE question and answer sessions from Quentin...

Then on the very last day, decide that you want a refund...

And you’d get every penny back… fast.

PLUS, you’ll still keep any bonuses you’ve received during that time — along with getting an entire year of the best golf instruction on the planet, FREE.

I’m only offering this because the experience of my 102,000 or so All Access Members have told me what an incredible deal this is.

I know you’re going to be so thrilled with everything you learn... you will stick around and continue becoming the golfer you always knew you could be.

So what are you waiting for?

Click below to add ALL ACCESS to your order today. 


included in all access membership

20 Minute Distance Fix

Value: $200

Full Video Course

Increase your swing speed in a matter of days... so you never have those rounds where you hit one short, weak drive and you lose your confidence and then have to suffer through all the remaining holes.

You will add 20-40 yards of accurate distance without any strength training or stretching… my pilot group added an average of 34.5 yards to their best drives… with 86% of those who completed the program reporting equal or greater accuracy than before!

I've recorded this entire 20 Minute Distance Fix and put it into short bite size lessons where you’ll learn:

  • A drill used on the PGA Tour called the “Grip Ripper.” I guarantee you haven’t seen this anywhere but it provides big results.
  • The distance delusion that has spread like a virus, scaring players into swinging like the wimpy kid on a playground. (This one personally robbed me of 20-25 yards thwarting my efforts to make the Tour.)
  • The easiest way to unlock “cheats” if you’re not as flexible or as athletic as you once were. (Be prepared to regain that lost power in a hurry!)

Included In All Access Membership
Included In All Access Membership
Included In All Access Membership

The Top Speed Golf System

Value: $1000

5 Courses Inside

Now we come to the heart and soul of my instruction. I spent several thousand hours poring over film from the greatest golfers of all time and discovered there are five – and only five – swing moves all these players have in common.

These are the 5 REAL Fundamentals of the golf swing, and you’ll get access to a course for each:

Stable & Fluid Spine

  • The #1 key to consistent contact in your golf swing (this fixes reverse pivots, swaying, and more).

Power Turn

  • How to make simple tweaks to your swing to add or regain rotation required for a modern, powerful swing (works wonders for golfers of all ages, especially those who are stiff-as-a-board).

Top Speed Lag

  • How something called the “stretch shortening cycle” adds tremendous lag (boosting not only distance but also consistency).

Compression Line

  • The hidden angle at impact that fixes sliding and swinging over the top… while unleashing the power of the legs (so you can whip the club like a clothes hanger)!

Straight-Line Release

  • How to sync up your entire swing (fixes casting/scooping/flipping by FORCING your hands ahead of the ball at impact).

Included In All Access Membership

Top Speed Golf Wedge and Bunker System

Value: $200

Full Wedge System

Whether you've got to get up-and-down to save par from the bunker, your wedge shot needs to spin like crazy to check up in “gimmie” range, or you're facing a 50-yard approach on an easy par 5… you'll have all the shots covered when you're finished with this course.

  • The little-known link between jaw dropping drives… and bunker play. (This ONE THING determines if your technique’s good enough to ever play well from the sand.)
  • How to pair a piece of tape with a cheap wrist watch to dial in your wedges (hint: the watch is NOT for timing and rhythm… though, you’ll get a simple verbal cue for that, too).
  • How to hit the magical 40-degree “ultimate grab” angle with a simple right palm hack.

Included In All Access Membership

Top Speed Golf Putting System

Value: $200

Full Putting System

There are a million little things you could focus on when it comes to putting. In this course, I’ve boiled it down to the only 6 that really matter if you want to be known as “Mr. Clutch” on the greens.

  • The surprising way concrete mixes with your feet, knees, and belt buckle for more 1-putt greens (and no, you don’t need to buy any Quikrete).
  • What you’re way too focused on when putting (and how that’s costing you easy strokes).
  • Whether your choice of putting stroke – straight back and straight through, slightly arcing, or inside-out – has destined you to failure.

Included In All Access Membership

The Opening Drive (a.k.a. “The One Week Miracle”)

Value: $200

4 Quick Wins Inside

There are only a handful of places where recreational golfers lose LOTS of strokes that can also be fixed lightning fast. That’s what you’ll find here in your first All Access Membership course.

I hand selected these videos from various courses and created one series that guarantees you BIG, QUICK WINS fast (like “before-your-next-round fast”)! It’s as simple as this:

  • Add 15.6 Yards in Only 20 Minutes!
  • Shallow the Club & Hit the Most Solid Shots of Your Life in a Single Practice Session!
  • Eliminate Chunked & Thinned Chips and Pitches
  • Drop up to 5 Strokes (Without Even One Second of Practice)

Included In All Access Membership

9 Additional BONUS Courses

Value: $1800

9 Courses Inside

  • Stop Standing Up: Stay down and through your shots instead of “early extending.”
  • Never Slice Again: Eliminate the Dreaded "Banana Ball" Forever.
  • Stop Chunking & Topping: Avoid these embarrassing score killers.
  • Never Hook Again: Conquer golf’s scariest shot.
  • Play Your Best Golf After 50: Discover simple tweaks and actually defeat “father time.”
  • Secret Science to Improve Faster: Unlock 10x faster progress with recent breakthroughs.
  • Chipping Mastery: Get up and down with ease.
  • Golf Fitness with Joe Yoon: Grab a “cold one” and get in golf shape (seriously!).
  • Master the Mental Game: Drop strokes with simple tips from a renowned sports psychologist.
  • Indoor Impact Sequence: Never let weather sideline you again.

Included In All Access Membership

Office Hours

Value: $4000+

1 Hour Each Week Day

No All Access Member golfs alone… including me!

I go to Top Speed Golf Certified Instructor, Quentin “Q” Patterson, with any questions or concerns I have about my swing and my game… and now, every weekday, Q’s standing by for an entire hour to answer YOUR questions (LIVE)!

Over a year's time, that's more than $20,000 worth of help available to you! Heck, when you ask Q just one question per month… you’ll easily pay for your entire All Access Membership with this service alone!

Total Value : $3600

Get 1 Year of Unlimited Access On all your Devices For Only $77

Save over 97% with this offer!

And it comes with my full, 365-day, 100% money-back guarantee.
If you don't agree All Access Membership is worth every penny and more we'll refund your entire purchase price.

Now, if you want to forfeit this special offer, then click here to move on to the next step.

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